The Cold - Part 3

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I woke up. I spotted some butterscotch-cinnamon pie on the floor with a note that read, 'If you think you're allergic, or if you are allergic to butterscotch or cinnamon, please don't eat it! -Toriel' I smiled and quickly grabbed the plate and started eating on the bed. I was starting to wonder is she doesn't want crumbs on the bed so I quickly jumped up and headed towards the dining table. She spotted me.

"Up early today?" She said.

I nodded. "What time is it?" I decided to ask. She glanced at me and her plate while she heard my stomach growl and smiled. "Time for you to eat." She laughed. "But, no really. It's 7 in the morning, you should get some rest."

"No, I'm not that tired." I denied her request.

"Come on, after what happened yesterday, you should go to sleep. You don't have to, but it's your decision." She tried to convince me again.

I shook my head and started eating. I saw her smiling in the corner of my eye. I smiled back and finished. My eyes widened. "This is the best pie ever!" I shouted. She smiled with happiness.

"Oh, come on it's not THAT good." She denied herself.

"Yes.It.Is." I said with pauses in each word.

Deep in me I knew I wanted 5 more plates, but I denied myself knowing that I didn't want to tire her making more pie or leaving it all to me. "Want any more?" She stopped the silence.

"N-no I'm good!" I said. I spotted some stairs leading down to a purple basement of some sort and looked at it. Apparently she didn't want me to go down there or something because I saw her frowning in the corner of my eye while I looked at it.

"Please don't go down there, my child. They will hurt you. HE will hurt you." Toriel said, pressuring the word 'He.'

I noticed I had to choice but to go, since there was nothing else to do here and I really,really wanted to get out of this weird place. I frowned at her in response and she did too.

"Please, Toriel! I have no choice but to go. I just randomly 'spawned' down here and I'm really desperate to go out." I begged her.

She looked at me in frustration. While she mumbles to herself, "He better not kill you."

I looked at her in confusion as she handed me another pie. I was happy, but that happiness soon faded as she said, "He will kill you. Maybe if you hand him this he will be less aggressive. He wants me back." She looked at me with trusting eyes. I nodded, still not knowing what she had said, but I kept that in the back of my mind.

She then headed to the kitchen and came back. She handed me ANOTHER slice of pie and this time my confusion turned into happiness. "And you can have this slice of pie if you get hungry!" She said cheerfully.

Glad that she let me go, I started going out of the room. I frowned before running back to her and hugging her. "Thank you mom." I said. I wasn't sure about calling her that, but she seemed to like it and she seemed very motherly. I also didn't have any parents, so why not? She smiled back at me before mumbling, "Please be safe." Then patting me on the head. I nodded and put the pie in my bag. Before leaving, I headed down her hallway and spotted a mirror. I headed towards it and looked at it.

* It's you.

Wow. Finally being able to look at yourself. Pretty peaceful, isn't it? This might be the last time I'm gonna be in this hallway, so I decide to stop looking at myself and head back.  You take a look where the stairs lead. It's pretty dark, so I decide to run through the hallway. Bad idea though, so of course I fall down, scraping my knee.

"Ouch!" I yelp.

I stand up touching my right knee and rubbing it with my hands. I wanted to get out of this area, so I keep walking until I walked into a wall. Atleast I didn't run into it. I turn all directions with my hands in front of me and started heading left since that was the only direction there wasn't a wall. (beside the wall you just walked by) I finally saw a room in front of me with dimmed lights and alot of space. I decide to run towards and and gasp. I keep walking and I see a doorway in front of me. I squeal with excitement and go through it. I see a pile of grass in the middle. Reminds me of the area that I was in with Flowey. I walk through it cautiously, making sure not to fall since my knee was already burning with fire. I fell in cement, okay? I keep walking until I see another doorway. Yay. I thought. More doorways. I see a purple door and decide to open it.

It's cold. REALLY. Cold. I start to shiver. 

Why is it so cold now, all of a sudden? The odd thing was, you felt something. You felt something in the area you were in. You don't know why, but something in this area is COMPLETELY off. You keep walking until you spot a bridge. You walk to it cautiously until you heard something crack. you turn around and see that the door you opened closed in a snap. You walk faster, not wanting to look at your surroundings until you heard footsteps. You stop walking and stay in front of the bridge, unsure of what to do. You froze. The footsteps were coming closer, and you squinted your eyes, not wanting to know what was gonna happen next. It stops. It suddenly stops. You have a feeling that the person or thing causing the footsteps was right behind you.

"hey kid, turn around and shake my hand." You froze and turned around. Slowly.

You stayed quiet. You looked at a short skeleton with a blue jacket as he reached out his hand. I grabbed his hand cautiously and shook it gently. Once you grabbed for his hand, you heard a fart noise. It lasted about 10 seconds, but felt like 10 minutes.

You were embarrassed, and looked to the ground quickly after that.

"ah, the ole' whoopie cushion in the hand trick." He chuckled.

You looked up, and smiled a bit. A few seconds later, you burst out laughing. You don't know why, but it was really funny. You glance up at him as he takes off his hoodie. You took a better look at him, he had a big smile, almost fake.

"the names sans. nice to meet ya." He interrupts the silence. I nod and smile in response. You remember that Sans was the person Toriel was talking about. Sans glances at you in confusion, and you remember that you haven't moved for a while and have been staring at him while thinking. You quickly come back to reality and say, "Sorry, I was just thinking there."

"nah, it's okay kiddo. just a bit confused." He responded.

You turned around back to the bridge. You decided to ask Sans about Toriel, but once you turned around to see his face again, but you didn't see him there. How odd. He just disappeared. You shrugged it off, and turned around again and started heading after the bridge. If I see Sans once again, I'll tell him about Toriel and see what he says. You keep walking and you see Sans again.


(EDIT: Guys, I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to upload it tomorrow. I only have 500 words written, and I want to right 4000 or 5000 for the next chapter but I can't right now because of reasons. I PROMISE. And, I NEVER ever break promises. I barely even say, 'I promise' but I pROMISE i WILL finish the next chapter tomorrow morning. The chapter WILL be long. so anyways, see you guys tomorrow! )


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