Not Normal - Part 16

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Recap: "I'm gonna show you a place I like to stay and hear my thoughts."

You take Sans's hand and when you blink, you spot your surroundings. You quickly feel the atmosphere and know you're in Snowdin. But... You're somewhere you've never been before.. You don't know where you are. The room is blue that has a counter. You also spot something under a cover.

You turn to look at Sans. When he noticed you finished looking around, he spoke.

"Yeah.. I haven't showed this play to anyone.. I keep this to myself.."

You have lots of questions in your mind. Mostly the 'what?' and the 'where am I?' but you somehow kept your mouth shut.

"Where are we right now?" You cleared your throat.

"Heh. This place is actually behind my house. I'll tell you more stuff about this place soon." Sans winked.

You shrugged and left the area with Sans. There was lots of trees in the way, so Sans helped you out. Sans suggested to go to Waterfall, and you agreed. On the way to Waterfall, you swore you were being watched. You shrugged off the feeling, and continued walking. Then he stopped.

"Did you hear something?" He looked back at his footprints in the snow.

You nodded shakily. You saw Sans tense up. Once he caught you staring, he shrugged and kept walking. You were still really nervous about that noise. When you arrived at Waterfall, it was awfully quiet. You usually hear the echo flowers talk, and the water dripping but this time, you heard nothing. Just silence. Even Sans noticed it too. It was too silent. Something about this place is quite different. You were shaking until you saw Sans. He calmed you down for some reason, the way he's so chill about everything just made you calm.

You looked back and saw a figure in the darkness. It looked like the figure you saw at the bridge. You then started shaking.

"Woah, Woah.. Hey kiddo, you alright?" Sans looked down at you.

You were still shaking.

"Y-Yeah, I'm f-fine.."

Sans raised an eyebrow.

"I've been hearing lots of things too. Honestly, I'm a bit crept out.." Sans rubbed his arm.

"Hey, can you teleport us? This is pretty creepy.. And sorry to ask you.." You scratched the back of your neck nervously.

"Sorry to say it, but.. I can't.. I'm bone-tired and my teleportation doesn't work when I'm tired.." Sans takes out his hand. "Watch." You take Sans's hand and he snaps it. You see a snap of blue, but nothing happens.

He shrugs and you let go of his hand. You keep walking and you hear more stuff so you decide to walk faster. Sans notices your pace and catches up.

"Woah, what's going on?"

You look around at the surroundings again. "I'm just really creeped out.. Waterfall isn't this quiet."

"Yeah, I know. I've noticed too." Sans shrugs.

It was quiet until a thought crossed your mind.

"Hey, Sans.. What would you do if something pops out?" You looked at him.

"Trust me, I'll help." Sans said in a serious tone.

You nodded and you both kept walking. You brought up a few conversations, and Sans cracked a few puns to light up the mood. Sometimes it was quiet, but after a little while, one of you brought up a conversation.

You then both finally arrived at your area. You were in an area surrounded by echo flowers. You sat down before Sans did.

It was quiet before you spoke up.

"I saw the black figure in Snowdin while we were walking.."

Sans looked at you and put his full attention to you.


You responded. "Yeah.."

"Maybe it wanted a greeting, a good greeting would be 'knife to meet you.'" Sans winked.

You snickered.

You then rubbed your head from all that has happened today.. You had a near death experience, you saw a figure, you saw the figure again, and there's other paranormal stuff going on. You were getting kind of tired in fact. You wanted to tell Sans to leave, but you already felt yourself falling on Sans, and going to sleep.

Sans POV

( Ooh something new )

She fell asleep on me. She had lots of things that happened to her today, though. I don't know why, but.. I just have this feeling.. Within my soul, there's something.. I think, no. I KNOW there's something here.. Something is going on.. Something is just too odd and quiet about Waterfall.

I look around, but there's nothing. I have this feeling that I'm being watched.. I also had this feeling when we were walking here. It left as soon as the kiddo talked to me though. I'm feeling bone-tired, but I've gotta keep watch.

I lied down with the Y/N's head on my lap. But there's still lots of stuff on my head. I shut my eyes.

Still, maybe there's something here.

Maybe not Gaster,

Maybe not Chara,

But a glitch..An odd glitch.. This glitch can be stronger than Gaster and Chara.

Maybe stronger than them combined.

( Authors Note )

IM SO SORRY I CANT OMGIMGOR BUT SERIOUSLY IM SO SORRY I COULDN'T UPLOAD I LEGIT GOT LIKE TWO PRESENTATIONS IN THE FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL AND LIKE 6 ESSAYS.. Tomorrow I'm gonna be absent and have 4 to 5 days off because of hurricane Irma. I'll take an advantage of uploading then. Sorry for the short chapter, maybe tomorrow or 2 days I'll make a longer one. :) Thank you guys for the support by the way, when I come back I have like 20 notifications.. Also this story hit 1.2k views! Thank you so much it makes me so happy :) I love you guys so much and I'll see you tomorrow. I'm gonna get some rest right now so I can write for the whole day tomorrow. See you soon!


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