Ominous Door - Part 12

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Sorry this chapter took a while.. I was busy doing some stuff.. Thanks for the comments though! They really make me happy.

It was a day after the party and you can't believe it has already been 2 or 3 months since you met the monsters. You have been hanging out with them and having a good time. Yesterdays party was really good.. You were glad all the monsters you've met could attend it. You were still sitting on the couch excitedly until you heard the smell of pasta. You got up from the couch and went to the kitchen. You spotted Papyrus cooking on the stove.

"HEY HUMAN! TODAY I'M GONNA MAKE THE BEST SPAGHETTI EVER!" Papyrus said as he got cheese and added it on the pasta.

The spaghetti looked pretty delicious. You can see the smoke coming out, it looked nice. You preferred spaghetti without meatballs, so you told Papyrus to take out the meatballs. With the meatballs it looked pretty nice, though. You admired the pasta as Papyrus looked at you and let out a big smile.



"Thanks, Pap!" You responded.

Since you had a grand party yesterday, you were pretty tired. You decided to just slack off for today and relax. You had two decisions. Either go and relax at waterfall, or chill here in Snowdin. You noticed you made a pun in your mind and snickered. Papyrus questioned what you were laughing at and you just told him that you thought of something funny. Since lazybones is probably sleeping upstairs, and Pap is busy cooking, you decided it would be best to go to Waterfall and relax for the day.

"Hey, Pap. I'm gonna be heading to Waterfall. I'm gonna relax there for a bit. See you later." You waved at him while you headed out the door.

You went outside and put on your f/c jacket and scarf. It was pretty cold today. You walked to Waterfall as you hugged yourself. You spotted the shack inside the entrance and a yellow monster next to it.

"Oh, hey! It's you again!" The monster turned around is if he knew you were coming.

"Oh.. Hi!" You responded.

"Did you give Papyrus the gift?" He asked you.

"Yeah, I did. Thanks for that, he really liked it. He was wearing it today too." You smiled at him.

"Awesome! Anyway, wanna take a walk through Waterfall? Undyne is off shift today so I can't watch her beat up some bad guys." Monster Kid looked at you pleadingly.

"Yeah, sure. I was actually gonna relax today since yesterday all the monsters had a big party." You nodded and let out a laugh remembering the party.

"You guys had a party? Awesome! I probably couldn't even go if I was invited because my parents would be mad at me." Monster kid looked down.

"Well, If it makes you feel better I can give you some clips.. Undyne was there.." You smiled.

"Yes, Please! That would be so cool!" He responded.

"Well, I can't show you right now since Mettaton has them, but.. I can ask Mettaton to borrow the clips. I'll show you later." You started walking as Monster Kid followed beside you.

"Tell me about the party then!" Monster kid said as he tripped, but then got up before you could've done anything.

"The party was amazing. It was the best day ever.." You started.

"First, before we got there, Undyne told Alphys, Mettaton, and Papyrus to write stuff for the game. She wasn't allowed to look until she named them. We were afraid one person had to be left out since the people there were, Alphys, Mettaton, Undyne, Papyrus, and me. Fortunately, Sans came late and Sans showed up because he wanted his brother to be happy. Anyway, Undyne and Alphys wanted to team with each other, Mettaton called dibs on Papyrus. Sans and I were the only people left so we teamed. The first game was a cooking competition. Papyrus put that game on the paper. We had alot of fun, Sans made some puns, Papyrus and Undyne had a food fight, it was all great. Papyrus and Mettaton won since theirs tasted the best. Next game Alphys put was spin the bottle truth or dare version. Alphys put that game since she probably saw it on an anime or something.. We played it and we had lots of laughs. It was fun. Undyne and Alphys won that one. Afterwards, we played some Hide and Seek. This game was my favorite. Me and Sans destroyed them all. First we hid behind a bed, Secondly we hid inside the kitchen cabinet, and we didn't seek since we already won two rounds. Anyway, Finally, we got to the last game. This one was pretty fun. It's probably my second favorite.. Mettaton suggested Karaoke Party. We had to sing and dance with our teammates. Me and Sans won. Undyne and Alphys sang 'Too Little Too Late' Mettaton and Papyrus sang 'Death By Glamour' and me and Sans sang a song called 'Drop Pop Candy.' We didn't know the lyrics, so we made it up as we kept going. All the other monsters agreed ours was the best. Undyne even said she never heard Sans sing before. Sans's singing voice was really good, I gotta admit. So me and Sans got first. The prize for the winners is that they get to decide a punishment for the losers and me and Sans decided to pressure them by saying we'll think of one. Honestly, I thought it was an evil idea. It was Sans's idea though, not mine." You let out a deep breath and laughed afterwards.

Monster kid jumped up and down. "Wow, that sounds awesome! I wish I was there! Anyway, we're already at the exit of Waterfall, so you wanna head to Hotland?"

You noticed that you were already at the entrance of Hotland and you've been talking for 40 minutes, describing all the details about the party. "Actually, I wanna stay here in Waterfall. If you want, you can go on without me at Hotland. I just wanna stay here and relax for the day."

"Aw man! I was hoping you'd go to Hotland. That's fine though. I gotta do some stuff in Hotland so I'll see you later! Bye!" Monster kid said as he walked to the entrance of Hotland and tripped again.

You laughed and started walking the opposite way of the Hotland entrance. You were in a room full of echo flowers. You kept walking and decided to sit in an area with water. You noticed it was the area where you met that weird river person. You sat there near the water. You took out your bag and took out a book you snatched from the library you got a few days ago. The title of the book was, 'Legend of the Monsters' After reading it, you looked at the back of the book with a frown. You just read a book about humans trapping monsters underground. You sighed and put the book back in your bag. You lay down on the ground and look up. You see white sparkles. They're just stones, though. You looked up. You then sat up and looked at the water. You got up and started walking back to Snowdin. You started walking until.... You saw something you've never saw before. You rubbed your eyes to make sure it was real. You saw..

You saw something.. It was a shade of gray you know you've seen.

You saw a gray door.

It was the same shade of gray as your book.



How was that? Pretty short chapter.. Sorry! Anyway, I'll update this tomorrow, don't worry. I'll update it tomorrow. You're gonna have to see what happens tomorrow MWUAHAHA CLIFF HANGERS ( IM SORRY I HATE CLIFFHANGERS TOO ) I'm sorry for not publishing a chapter in like one or two weeks.. I promise I'll either make one tomorrow or in 2 days and IM PROMISING YOU GUYS AND I DON'T BREAK PROMISES I'VE NEVER BROKEN ONE IN MY LIFE. Anywayyssssss I'll see you guys in the next one.. Peace!


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