ONE| goodbye ark, hello earth

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WARNING: This book contains strong language, violence, and some sexual content.

The lonely metals walls creaked in senseless rhythms as I stared at the ceiling of my cell with boredom infiltrating my mind

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The lonely metals walls creaked in senseless rhythms as I stared at the ceiling of my cell with boredom infiltrating my mind. Even after four months, I still had to convince myself I was awake; this wasn't a nightmare. This was real. 

I listened to the quick-paced footsteps in the hallway. The guards were doing their third rounds of the day, which meant it was almost time for lunch. I hated prison food. Well, it was the same food everyone on the Ark was getting, but the fact it was given to me on a rusty, metal tray through a tiny opening in the door made it taste worse than normal somehow. I sat up from the uncomfortable cot in the corner of the bare cell, letting out a long sigh. I was so tired of being in lock up. I turned eighteen in two months, which meant I had two months left to live. Everyone knew the prisoners just got floated now. The Council never saved anyone anymore.

Not getting a cellmate only made my life even more monotonous. I was never given a good explanation as to why I had to be by myself; I wasn't the only one in the SkyBox who had committed what everyone else considered a 'terrible' crime. The Council threw me in here alone; only allowing me one break per day from the ever-present silence of my lonesome cell. 

The thought of the Council brought a familiar pain to my chest as I remembered how I ended up in this stupid room. I did my best to save my father, but everything was a trap. Diana Sydney wanted me out of the picture; just like how she really was the one who got my dad arrested. She gave me a gun to shoot the Chancellor and then told Jaha I was going to kill him for sentencing my father to death. I never should have trusted her, but I was desperate, and she took advantage of that to get revenge for something I couldn't remember.

 My father was floated right in front of my eyes, and then, I was put in this stupid hunk of metal.

As for my memories, well they stopped about three months before the explosion. I never got much information on the missing time period because Wells hardly ever came to visit me. When he heard the news that I had a gun and was going to kill Jaha, he pretty much started hating me. And Archie? I heard he got arrested before I woke up for stealing, but I hadn't seen him at all. I couldn't leave my floor of the prison. 

And then there was the mystery of Bellamy Blake, my supposed boyfriend who I couldn't put a face to in my mind. Where was he? If he really did love me as much as I heard, why hadn't he came to visit? I guess it didn't matter anymore. I would be floated soon anyway.

The only amusement I got was during the single break from my cell I was allowed every day. There was a large area with tables on each floor of the SkyBox for meals. Even though I couldn't leave my floor, the fact that it had some pretty cool people made it a little more bearable. 

Jasper Jordan and Monty Green were two best friends who were getting high in secret until they got caught right before I was put in the SkyBox. They were cool, and they could always make me laugh when I was in a bad mood. Then, there was Finn Collins, who got on my nerves most of the time. He wasted a month's supply of oxygen on a spacewalk, which was bold, I admitted, but he was kind of a cry baby.

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