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Sweat drenched my entire aching body as I spotted the gates of our camp in the distance

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Sweat drenched my entire aching body as I spotted the gates of our camp in the distance. Octavia leaned against me, limping along with me and Jasper for support while Bellamy carried Finn. I glanced back at them, worrying lacing my thoughts. The knife was still in Finn's side, but he was hanging on. I hoped Clarke would be able to save him. Sure, Finn wasn't my favorite person recently, but he was still one of my friends, and I didn't want to have to bury another body. 

Thunder rumbled around us as a cold drop of rain hit my arm. The sky was a giant expanse of grey with ominous clouds rolling in with the gusty wind. The air felt moist as more rain droplets collided with my skin. I let out an exhausted breath as Jasper pulled back the gate. He let go of Octavia, most of her weight falling onto me. I stayed strong, supporting her as Jasper frantically looked around for Clarke.

"Clarke!" He yelled. "Where's Clarke?" He glanced over to a group of people who were all trying to see what was happening. "Get Clarke now," he said to them.

I spotted Clarke jogging up to us, "Hey, I'm here. What's up?" 

Then, her eyes widened when Bellamy walked through the gate. Everyone gasped when they saw Finn. He was out cold with the knife protruding from his side. 

Clarke shoved passed us.

"Finn. Finn?" She ran up to Bellamy as Miller and  Archie came up next to me and helped Octavia sit down. "Oh my God. Oh my God," I stood behind Clarke. Her hand shook as she felt for a pulse on Finn's neck. Raven was watching with fear on her face as she slowly backed away.

"Oh my God."

"He's alive," Clarke said with relief.

Jasper looked over Bellamy's shoulder, "Bellamy wouldn't let me take the knife out."

"No, that was a good call. Get him in the dropship. Now. Go!"

Miller and a few others helped Bellamy carry Finn towards the dropship as Archie came up to me with confusion on his face, "Harley, what the hell happened?"

"It was a grounder. He stabbed Finn," I shook my head. "I don't know what to think, Arch. The grounder saved Octavia, and he used his foghorn to save us."

Archie raised his eyebrows, "That doesn't make any sense."

"I know," I glanced at the dropship with uncertainty. "I don't think things are just black and white with the grounders."

"Nothing is ever black and white," Archie replied as he looked at me. "There's always good and bad on every side."

Archie was right, and deep down I knew that war with the grounders was stupid. We had to live with them, and they knew how to survive on Earth better than us. The fact was that we were in their territory, and we needed to find a way to avoid war. If all of them were huge warriors like the one that stabbed Finn, we were screwed. A war with the grounder would mean certain death for all of us. 

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