NINE| pissing off bellamy... part 100000

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I walked across the cafeteria trying to keep my fists unclenched as I felt Officer Blake's eyes on me

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I walked across the cafeteria trying to keep my fists unclenched as I felt Officer Blake's eyes on me. I remembered some of our conversation and the anger and annoyance that came with it. That anger and annoyance were threatening to come to the surface again as I was only a few feet away from where he was standing.

Officer Blake crossed his arms over his chest as our eyes met. I motioned for him to follow me as I passed him. We walked down the hallway a little bit before I turned around quickly making him come to a fast stop. I spoke in a mean tone, partly because I hated the way my mind was naturally curious about him.

"Ok, I'll make this quick because I really do not want to have to stand here in your presence very long," I spit out.

That freaking smirk returned, "But I thought you liked me and my freckles."

"Excuse me?"

Him and his freckles? Why would I...

Oh crap. The memory of the last thing I said to him before I passed out came rushing back, and I could feel the red on my cheeks, "That... That wasn't me saying I like you. That was me being delirious from a concussion."

He gave me a cheeky grin, "Whatever you say, Princess."

Princess? I gritted my teeth becoming even more annoyed, "All I came here to do was try to figure out how I got this stupid concussion, but of course you have to make it difficult. I already have a pounding headache and your cocky comments are only making it worse... and my name is Harley, not Princess!"

Breathing heavily from my angry outburst, I brought my eyes up to meet his which were laced with amusement, "Are you always this overdramatic?"

Loud chatter from outside the tent I shared with Kate and Clarke caused me to sit up with a start, the distant memory on replay in my thoughts. That memory... It felt like it happened yesterday. Everything was so clear and real, including my fast-paced heartbeat from that conversation with Bellamy. This was only my second memory so far, but I was hopeful that as the days continued to pass, even more would come to my mind.

I looked around, finding that I was by myself in the darkness. I rubbed my tired eyes as the faint flickering of torches emitted through the white fabric of the tent. I stood up, pulling my messy hair into a ponytail as I peeked my head outside. Everyone was pointing at the sky with shocked expressions on their faces. What was going on? I spotted Archie and Miller talking to one another close to my tent with their eyes on the stars above. I walked towards them, causing their heads to turned as I stopped beside them.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Archie pointed to the sky, "Look."

I turned my eyes to the night sky above us, catching sight of what looked like a small ship falling from the stars. A harsh fire followed behind it as it headed closer to the ground. I watched as a parachute flew open and it disappeared behind the tall trees in the distance.

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