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A rumble of commotion from above snapped my mind away from sleep as I sat up

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A rumble of commotion from above snapped my mind away from sleep as I sat up. My eyes adjusted to the darkness of the second floor as I slowly stood. My pounding headache had subsided; replaced with a faint fogginess that tried to lull me back to sleep. I shook my head as I placed my hands on the cool metal bars of the ladder. I climbed up to the hatch, shoving it open loudly. 

Miller stood above me with one of his hands around Octavia's arm as she shoved him away from her. He moved out of my way, and I scanned the room. I saw that the grounder Bellamy captured was very much awake, and his eyes were darting around frantically. Bellamy stood across from me with his gaze focused on the grounder.

I looked at Octavia, "What's going on?"

She shot an angry glance at her brother, "Ask him."

Octavia exited the room with an exasperated expression. Why was she so angry?

 I walked up to Bellamy, pulling his attention away from the tall grounder that was giving him a heated stare. 

My eyes shifted between Bellamy and the grounder, "What are you hoping to accomplish with this exactly?"

"We need to find out what we're up against," Bellamy answered, "and he's going to tell us."

I scoffed, "Are you stupid? What if his people come for him?"

"All I know is that I'm not going to sit here and wait around for them to kill more of us," Bellamy crossed his arms over his chest. "Come on, Harley, you know we need to find out more about the grounders."

But was torturing someone the answer? We needed the information; that was true, but there had to be a better way to get what we needed from the grounder. I was doing my best to make better decisions; to do what Wells would have done, and I knew he wouldn't condone torturing someone. 

I nodded, "You're right, but this isn't the way to do it," Bellamy shook his head as I continued. "You know, if you torture him, you'll have to kill him right? He'll go back to his people and tell them what you did. Then, they'll all come for revenge. Is that what you want?"

"What else do you want me to do?" He said with force as he threw his arms up in frustration. "If they cared about peace, they wouldn't have killed our friends for no reason. This is a war, whether you want to believe it or not."

A sudden jerk hit the dropship, followed by an enormous boom of thunder. The floor shook underneath us, and I was thrown forwards. Bellamy's arms steadied me as I regained my balance, letting out a breath of relief.

 Would this storm ever end? It was starting to get annoying.

"You good?" Bellamy asked as he glanced over me.

"Yeah," I nodded, my eyes catching his, noticing that his arms were still on my waist. 

He cleared his throat and backed away a few seconds later. He walked over to the ladder, leaning over the hatch as Archie poked his head through the opening.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2022 ⏰

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