SEVEN| the murder of wells jaha

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In the early hours of the morning, time came to an abrupt and painful halt

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In the early hours of the morning, time came to an abrupt and painful halt. Clarke woke me up right as the sun began to rise, sobs mixing with her words. I couldn't understand what was going on until she led me to the edge of camp. I sunk to my knees immediately when I saw the reason for Clarke's tears. 

Wells was dead. Someone had stabbed him in the neck, and he was lying on the ground lifelessly. Everything else faded away at that moment except for an awful ripping feeling in my heart as I stared at his dead eyes. It must have been the grounders. That was the only logical explanation. I couldn't help but let guilt rake my conscience. Maybe if I would have stayed with him longer last night... 

I just sat by him crying and shaking for a while with a hole eating at my chest. How was this real? How was Wells dead? Murdered? Right under our noses? He died alone; afraid, with no one to save him. He deserved better than this. 

It took a while for me to pull myself up from the ground. I didn't move until I felt someone's hand on my back. It was Bellamy. He was saying they needed to bury Wells, but his voice was distant. I watched as Miller and some others picked up his body and carried him towards the two other graves that had been dug for the kids that died from the landing. 

I stood with my arm wrapped around Archie's as we watched them bury Wells. Clarke was to my right with Monty and Finn across from us. I knew Jasper wanted to be there, but he wasn't strong enough to walk yet.

 So many kids in the camp didn't even care. I knew some people were glad he was dead because they couldn't see past the fact that he was Jaha's son. The reality was the exact opposite. Wells was nothing like his father, and I loved him for that; for being able to separate himself from people's expectations. 

I was the last one at the grave after Wells had been buried. I looked over the mound of dirt, still in shock that I wouldn't see his face when I went back into camp. I let out a shaky breath as I tried to think of a few words to say; there were too many. A single tear dropped onto my red cheeks. I couldn't remember the last time I had cried so much; for so long that my head hurt and my eyes were hard to keep open.  

"I'm so sorry, Wells," I finally said, barely above a whisper. "You always loved me with your entire heart, and I could never give that love back to you in the way you wanted," I shook my head as I took a deep breath. "You deserved so much better than this."

I clutched my black pearl necklace tightly. First my mom, then my dad, and now Wells? How many more people were going to be ripped away from me? 

The sound of leaves crunching under footsteps caused me to turn my head. I didn't even bother drying my tears as my eyes found the concerned face of the person approaching me. 

"Harley," Bellamy said carefully as he stood behind me. My eyes went back to the grave. "It's been hours. It's going to get dark soon."

I ignored his worries, "I just want to be alone right now, okay?"

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