TWO| this is awkward

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To everyone's surprise, we did not drop dead from radiation

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To everyone's surprise, we did not drop dead from radiation. I stayed in the back of the group as all the excited teenagers eagerly ran out of the dropship. I had never breathed air this fresh before. Earth was beautiful; just as beautiful as I imagined. Archie and I stepped onto the hard dirt last. He glanced around as the air buzzed with conversation. My eyes were looking for one person: Bellamy. I had to face him at some point. I knew it would be impossible to hide from him forever, but my stomach ignited with nerves when I thought about having to tell him about my memories. 

He was talking with his sister as Archie went to chat with Miller, but before I could walk over to him, I noticed Wells and Clarke in a quiet conversation by the edge of the dropship. I noticed from their faces that something was wrong. 

I walked up to them, "Why do you two look so grumpy?"

Wells glanced at me, clearly still angry at me, "We have no way to communicate with the Ark. It's all dead."

"So?" I asked. 

"So, how are they going to know it's safe to come down?" Clarke asked me. "All three of us know they have limited time up there."

Oh yeah, the oxygen issue, "Well, that's not exactly our problem anymore," they both gave me astonished looks. 

"Yes, it is," Wells said. "People we care about are still on the Ark."

"Maybe for you," did he not realize that I didn't give a shit about anyone left on that Space Station? 

Wells looked at me with disappointment in his eyes, "The Harley I used to know actually cared about saving people."

"Don't try to guilt-trip me, Wells," I fired back. "Do you honestly think your father gives a shit about any of us? Obviously not, because he sent all of us down here to die, so like I said, it's not my problem."

I was so tired of Wells trying to pretend like I was the same person he knew on the Ark before everything happened with my father. I honestly didn't know if we could ever be friends again. I turned around, which only made me realize I had just traded one problem for another. 

There Bellamy stood, his chestnut eyes staring at me in disbelief. They were full of more emotions than I had ever seen in someone's gaze. He looked at me like he was afraid I wasn't real, as if in a few moments, he would wake up from a really good dream. Octavia stood behind him, looking at me with equal surprise. This was going to be awkward.

Bellamy finally spoke, "Harley?" I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could get one word out, he rushed up to me, enveloping me in a desperate hug. I felt him let out a heavy sigh filled with relief as he stroked my hair. "I can't believe it. You're actually here. How are you here? They told me you were in quarantine."

So that was why he had never come to see me while I was in the SkyBox; because of some lie from Doctor Griffin. I pulled back, confusion on his face when he realized that I didn't share the same happy attitude he did. I knew my words were going to rip him apart, but I had to tell him. 

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