chapter-24 I Wont Be Able To Give You Guys A Chance...

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Sry guys for late update...was stuck completing my holiday homework as my holidays has just ended.... But back with an update hope you guys like it pls comment and like... And tell me how it is!!

It was 11:00 in night...everyone gathered in open space to have dinner...

everyone gathered in open space to have dinner

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(Type of eating space...)

Everyone took Thier seats and started having dinner talking to eachother

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Everyone took Thier seats and started having dinner talking to eachother...rivu purposely sat beside Cabir and with fab5 n navbhi....Nandu noticed this but thought to ask her later and settled herself in front of her and beside manik while Maddy sat beside rivu.....
Manik smirked at her while Nandu ignored it and started having her dinner but due to her reguar habbit of skipping dinner she was not feeling hungry ...she looked round to see rivu smiling at Cabir....It came as a shock for her....but still decided to remain silent...manik was observing her and saw her looking tensed and not having her dinner....Nandu felt his gaze on her and asked him which he nodded no..... She had little dinner to not make anyone suspicious and left from thier early.... Everyone looked confused by her this move..rivu calmed them by saying she will talk to her later...

Later in night...
Cabir was coming talking to navya when he saw a girl like figure sitting alone on beach...he went near to find Nandu sitting Thier....

He frowned seeing her sitting alone at this time and settled himself beside her

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He frowned seeing her sitting alone at this time and settled himself beside her ...Nandu was having a blank expression lost in her thought which broked when Cabir settled himself beside her....she looked at him with a questioning face then silently shifted her gaze on beach looking nowhere...
Cabir - sometimes it's better to let it out then keeping inside!!.
Nandu frowned listening to him...
Nandu-I am too tired to understand any of your shit!!!.
Cabir (smiling sadly) - life is never the way we expect it.... We have to suffer in darkness to appreciate light..!! But that doesn't mean you stop living!!.. We have to fight and get out of the darkness before it engulfs us and only we can do this...just let it out nandinu whatever you have inside you and set yourself free.... Give this life another chance... Give yourself another chance... Give us another chance....
Nandu looked at him.... Her expressions changed into  hurt ones....
Nandu- give you guys chance to break the leftover pieces of me!!
Cabir- give us chance to heal the broken peices of you!!
Nandu-and why would I do that??
Cabir - because  you too feel suffocated in this darkness... But you are too stubborn to tell this!!
Nandu looked down knowing the truth in his words..
Cabir- sunshine!!
Tears brimmed on both of thier eyes.... This word is something which she always craved to listen from him!! Yes this is what he always called her!! Because he believed she brought the sunshine in whole Malhotra family.....nandu looked other side to hide her emotion while tears were flowing from thier eyes.... Cabir slowly  kept his hand on her shoulders... And nandu hided her face in his chest....
Nandu-I am too scared to get hurt again!! To face this lightness again... What if I again got slipped in darkness?? What if i won't be able to stand again this time?? No cabir!! I won't be able to live!! I didn't choose to come in  this darkness but I choose  to live in it... I didn't choose to get lost in darkness but I choose to not find the way!!
She whispered in tears on his chest while he caressed her hair not stopping her from crying... She needs to let it out before starting a new life...
Nandu-but cabir i am tired acting to strong!! Cabu every time I see you guys i just wanted to run in your arms and complain to you why you guys did this??... I never wanted to slip in this darkness sachii!!! But this light is scaring me more now... At least I don't have hope and  expectations in darkness.... But in light I will have both and if they broke.. it will again hurt!! It hurts a lot.... Its unbearable... You know that lonely nights which once I used to spend having endless conversations with you guys were hard to survive... I felt empty...i felt like my heart just stopped beating... The peace in me got lost.... I got scared what if I felt week...what if this cruel world engulfed me?? I choosed to keep myself away from everything that may hurt me and ended up being a attitude bitch!! Who doesn't have a heart...but cabir that nandini inside me is just hiding herself in a corner scared of everyone...scared to trust even itself...cabir I won't be able to give you guys a chance because I don't have that power!! I am not that strong!!
She hugged him tightly as if the moment she will left him she will broke... She was trying to gather herself holding him...
Truly friends are more precious then anyone... Manik may hold a place in her heart which will always melt for him but friends holds a place which will  always beat...telling thousands of stories....

They hugged eachtother tightly

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They hugged eachtother tightly... Cabir caressed her hairs to calm her down while controlled his tears himself...her each word was doing nothing but stabbing him inside screaming that he was not able to protect his sister!! Whom he vowed to protect in every step!! And what added on top of it was he thought he was the reason somewhere....maybe he was not but the thought that the ones whom are closest to you are hurt is enough to  boil your blood!!
After feeling her normal... He cupped her face..
Cabir - sunshine... I want that scared nandini to come out​!! That nandini just needs a hand that will pull her from darkness... And I want to be that hand... Dont trust us!! But pls just be with us... Let us heal you... And then it's upto you if you want to trust us or not....
Nandu looked down trying to register his words!!
Cabur- take your time!! And when you yourself wants to heal answer me.... I will wait for it...
Nandu nodded at him and stood up... Cabir to stood behind her.. Both left for thier camps without exchanging more words...
Cabir entered in his camp lost in thoughts.... Nandu's words were ringing in his ears... Manik who was waiting for him got worried seeing his condition...
Manik- cabir???
Cabir- huh?
Manik-you fine right??
Cabir - no!! How can I?? When my sister is deing every second!!.. Manik she is very scared.... She is in pain and seeing her like that its hurting!!
Manik first frown but slowly his words made sense to him...
Manik-you talked with her??
Cabir - yes... I asked her to give us a second chance... And then it's upto her weather she wants to trust us or not!!
Manik nodded and hugged cabir...cabir slept with a hope that tomorrow may be she will answer her!!
While Manik who waswaiting for a call recieved it...
Doctor- hello... Manik
Manik-hello doctor.. You got some information about that pills??
Doctor-yes... These pills are of low dosage but are very addictive.. I think it was first advised by doctor...(manik then remembered that rivu told him doctor kept nandu on anti deppresents and sleeping pills).. It may create anger issues and about health it doesn't have much influence but if taken in excess then maybe victim's health get effected... And the way you are telling i guess that she is taking it in excess... All we have to do is  first find out weather she is taking antibiotics  deppresents too... And then make a schedule of the pills which we will change in intervals... And side by side we have to give your medicines which decreases the craving of pills and improves health... But all this will need victim's efforts.. It can't be done alone by me or you... If she is not ready then it is not possible!!
Manik-don't worry doctor... She will be ready... Just give me few days to prepare her!!.
He said with determination..
Doctor- Okey so I will call you when I will get more updates...
Manik-Okey thank you doctor... Bye

Manik hanged up the call...
Manik's  POV...
No matter what nandini you  yourself will want to heal by the end of this trip... And I promise you I will heal you no matter what!!
And thinking this he too slept...

Nandu's pov
I am feeling soo light talking to cabir... Was he right that sharing decreases our pain?? But doesn't that mean opening your weaker side to someone... And giving them chance to hurt us!! But he said he wants to heal me!! A second chance?? Will it work??will I will get my old self back??.... No.. I won't do that... I won't give them another chance to hurt me and make fool out of myself... But what if he is right this time??.. Urgh.. Soo much of confusion....but whatever it is I felt truth and concern in his voice and eyes...i don't know about second chance but I should definitely go with the flow... Maybe that way I will be able to give them chance!!

She too slept tired from the journey...

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