Chapter 3: Tour of Brooklyn

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Annas Pov:

Spot lead me across the Brooklyn Bridge where other people were sitting on top of crates, shooting marbles or rocks at empty bottles, or just gambling. The dirty blonde lead me to the docks where his 'throne' was. It was actually a tall pile of boxes and crates stacked in a pyramid shape and the top was his seat. "The higher up you sit the more power you have. I sit right up on top, my second in command sit right below me, and so on so forth."

"Where do guest sit?" My feet were beginning to hurt from walking but I didn't want to complain.

"Depends on what I think of them. Wanna see where you would sit?" Spot was bouncing on his heels and messing with the suspenders.


Spot began to climb to the top of the tower and I followed behind. Well tried to. By the time I climbed halfway up the crates, the king of Brooklyn was sitting on his throne. "Anna, do you need help?" I looked up to see Spot holding out his hand.

"Thanks, Spot." He lifted my up to the top of the pile and seated next to me.

He used his pimp cane and pointed to the cluster of buildings. "Anna, the reason why the leader sits on top is so they could see what is going on. That and the view is the best." People could be seen walking past the docks and stores, while women could be seen hanging out their laundry on the clothing lines. I rested my head on Spots shoulders as he pointed out tiny everyday things. A baker giving the extra bread to some homeless kids, a couple of drunks stumbling near the docks about to fall in, and a Newsie who wasn't from Brooklyn hanging around the docks. We were too high up to tell who it was, so we just brushed it off.

The rest of the time was spent watching the other Newsies play marbles and drink some beer. Soon the sun began to set behind the tall, gray buildings, painting the sky with streaks of orange, pink, yellow and red. A few fluffy clouds filled the colorful scene but it was better than anything I had ever seen. "Well, It's time to start heading back to 'Hatten. Don't want it to be to get too dark, do we?"

We climbed down the pile of crates and raced to the end of the Brooklyn Bridge. Of course, Spot had won. I kept bumping into passing Newsies and tripping over tossed ropes. Trying to catch up to spot my foot got twisted in some netting and I ended up falling flat on my face. Pain shot through my cheek as I hit the floor. Sitting up, I tried to detangle my foot from the nets but it only got worse.

"Anna, You okay?" Spot sat next to me and helped me detangle the net with the assistance of a few of the Brooklynites. It took less than five minutes and I was free and walking. Well limping, but I was still able to walk.

Spots POV

I noticed Anna was limping yet she said nothing about it. She must be a tough cookie. Well, the streets do that to a person. We walked a couple blocks more when her limp was getting worse. I pulled her off to the side I turned my back to her. "Hop on."


I rolled my eyes. "You're limping, I'm gonna give you a piggy back ride. Now hop on. You have no option."

She chuckled and hopped onto my back. I held Annas' legs and walked her down the rest of five blocks. Once we got to the lodging house there was still a little bit light and I knocked on the door. I lightly dropped Anna and she was holding onto my shoulder for balance. With a click, the door opened to a curly haired Mush. "Hey Mush."

"Anna! Well, Spot it ain't dark yet so I guess you kept your word." Jack and Race came to the door as well.

"What happened?!" Jack pushed Mush to the side to get to Anna.

She chuckled. "I raced Spot across the bridge and my foot got caught in a fishnet. I twisted it and fell. Nothing much." The boys headed inside and told Anna to hurry in.

I looked at her sparkling brown eyes and she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, Spot, I had a lot of fun." A blush grew across my cheeks.

"No problem."

She limped inside and closed the door. That Anna will be the death of me.

Jack's POV

Anna stayed up a bit to talk to talk with us. "So how was your date?" Race was twirling his cigar in his fingers.

"What date?"

A laugh erupted from the group. Crutchie spoke up. "The one with Spot."

"A date? He was only showing me around, Brooklyn. It's really nice."

I rolled my eyes. "If that's nice than a pile of dung must be a diamond."

"Hush she gonna tell us what she did." Mush threw his hat at me... WHtas with them and hitting me with hats?

"Well, he gave me a tour of the docks and showed me a giant pile of crates he calls the throne. He took me to the top and gave me a birdseye view of Brooklyn. I watched a couple of gambling games, and raced Spot to the end of the bridge." Everyone was dumbfounded at the fact Spot took her to the top of his throne. Not even his second in command can do that "Then I tripped over a fishnet and twisted my ankle. That's it."

I shook my head. "Spot let you go to the top of his throne?" She nodded as if it was nothing. "Anna, he doesn't let his second in command do that."

"Maybe he does that for new people or visitors." Oh, sweet Anna.

"The first time any one of us visited him, we were greeted by a view of a pile of crates, and that's it."

Anna let out a yawn. "I'm gonna hit the hay. See ya boys in the morning." She headed up stairs with a light limp. Of all the way to get hurt a fishnet? I spent the rest of the night watching Race beat the other boys at poker and marbles. We all knew she didn't share everything. After all, Boots is one of the few of us that are allowed into Brooklyn, and he doesn't lie about anything he sees. Especially what happened on top of the pile of crates.

So Anna likes sunsets and snuggling, more things for me to take notes about.

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