Chapter 5: An important question

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Anna's pov:
I woke up in my room, tucked into my bed sheets. My clothes were still filthy from yesterday, and my body ached. My face throbbed, my stomach turned, and my leg felt sore. In gerneral I felt like shit. As fast as I could I headed to the bathroom and showered. The water pressure was low, the boys were probably up. I got dressed and headed down stairs where the rest of the boys were. "Anna, because of what happened yesterday, we figured it would be better if you had a selling partner. It would be a different newsies everyday and you get to go around different parts of 'hatten."

"Sure." Race stepped forward and said today he was my selling partner. We made our way to The World before I stopped at the gate. "Race, can I just wait out here and give you the money to get the papes?"

He waved his cigar. "Anna, with us here they wont touch you okay. Either way we owe them a soaking. Mess with one of us you mess with all of us." The Italian lead me in and had me wait in line for the gate to open. Then the Delancies walked by.

Oscar stepped closer and naturally I stepped back. "Hey Anna, how much you gonna sell today? Just wanna check if its work soaking..." Race pulled my back as Jack punched Oscar in the face.

"I made a promise. You lay a hand on her your gonna get soaked. Time for me to keep it." Mush jumped into the fight to even things out. Race just pulled me a safe distance away. Far enough where I wont get hurt yet close enough where if he is needed he could jump in. By the time the gate opened Oscar and Morris were beaten black, blue, and bloody. Jack stood in front of me while Race stood behind. Mush was to my left and to my right was specs.

This was getting a tad bit ridiculous. "You guys don't need to be so protective. I think one person is enough."

"Well you are like a sister to us so we are going to protect you," Mush wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Think of us like the big brothers you never had."

Eventually we got our papers and Wiesel gave me an extra 20 thanks to Oscar and Morris. I decided to give race half. "You, are too good for this world." We walked up the streets and sold our some papes as we neared the Brooklyn bridge. This was a good selling spot according to Race. Papers flew fast especially since I was bruised up people had pity.

Once we finished, I decided to visit Spot. We usually hung out after a day of selling but yesterday was the exception. The king of Brooklyn decreed that I was allowed in his territory. Anyone who doesn't let me get shot with marbles. Passing some faces I saw some familiar faces. My favorite one was Joshua. He was a five year-old with the curliest hair anyone has seen. He is the sweetest thing in the world. Joshua is basically the Brooklyn baby.

Closing in on the pyramid of crates, I noticed spot facing the away from me and fiddling with his cane. I snuck up on him and when I was close behind him, I spoke in an fancy accent. "Here you'll find a wild Spot Collins in its natural habitat. If you touch his cane or his slingshot, he'll soak ya!"

He spun on his heels and looked in my direction. "Anna! Where have you been?"

As he stepped closer his face dropped. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?"

"Delancies. Jack and the boys already took care of them." Spot grabbed my face and examined the injuries.

He just pulled me close and hugged me tight. "From now on you're gonna have a Newsie with you at all times." The blue eyed man lead me to my usual seat and we watched the newsies do their things.

"ANA!" The sweet little voice that rung out belong to Joshua. I quickly leapt down from the crates and headed to the young news boy.

"Joshua!" Once my feet touched the floor, he ran into my arms and I lifted the toddler into the air.

Giggles and shrieks filled the air as he was tossed into the air. I swiftly caught him and placed him on the side of my hip. "How's my favorite newsie?"

From the top of the crates a shout came down. "I THOUGHT I WAS YOUR FAVORITE!"

"JOSH IS MY FAVORITE." A smile grew on the little boys face. His green eyes were filled with joy.

I carried Josh to the top of the crates were he sat between me and Spot. "Why do you have bruises?" His little chubby fingers lightly grazed my bruises.

"Some mean boys named the Delancies soaked me." The toddler stood up and kissed my bruises. He then sat down and curled up in my lap. I watched the sunset with Spot as Josh fell asleep.

"Ana, I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me."

A smile grew across my face. "I would love to." Spot helped me down the crate as I carried Josh. We dropped the toddler off at the newsies boarding house and headed to 'hatten.

On the way back to my home, Spot told me that he'll pick me up tomorrow at eight. We held hands and joked about the snobby neighbor hood we were passing. Sadly, the walk had ended and we stood in front of the boarding house. Spot walked me to the door and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Until tomorrow, I bid you adue."

I waved goodbye and quietly snuck inside. As I turned the corner to go to the staircase, I was stopped by the boys. "Where were you?"

"With spot."

Crutchie stepped forward. "Doing what?"

"Just hanging out." I was about to head to the stair when a question popped in my head. "Do you boys know where I can get a dress?"

Their faces were priceless. "Yeah, Medda could probably lend you a dress, why?"

"No reason. Goodnight boys."


Sorry for the lack of updating. I am busy with school and haven't really had time for updating and story much. I will try and update more especially on weekends.

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