Chapter 4: Delancy Brothers

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Annas pov
    I woke up to the sound of Kloppman waking up the boys.  two months have past and I'm already selling on my own, even though most of the newsies don't like that idea.  Quickly getting dressed I headed out the door and waited for the boys at the sidewalk.  The first ones out were Mush and Race followed by Jack and Crutchie.  "What took you guys so long?"

     "Well Anna, some of us don't have our own bathroom so we have to wait for other people to finish getting ready before we can."  Race began to light his cigar while Jack helped tie Crutchie shoe.  Once everyone got out we headed to The World to get our papes but made a stop at a wagon where nuns handed out bread and coffee.

      At the giant metal gate that marked the entrance for The World, some of the boys leaned against the wall to take a quick nap.  Others were guessing how good the headlines were and seeing how much they should buy.  I was just braiding and unbraiding my hair.  It was one of the thing my mom did for me that brought a smile to my face.  That was before the fire.  "What is that unpleasant aroma?  I fear the sewers may have back up during the night."  

There goes Race.  Always bothering the Delancies.  "One day Race, we'll get you back."  Oscar rubbed his knuckles.  "Yah,  I would watch out for the things you care about.  It sucks when you lose something you love."

     Race just chuckled "Boys, ya cant get rid of cigars and horse tracks.  It's too big of a business."

The brothers just unlocked the gate and let us in.  Jack was the first one to head in so he could check see how good the head lines were.  "Hi, Weasel, Ill take the usual."  

"Jack, how many times do I have to tell you its Wiesel? A  hundred for the smart ass."  

The line moved quickly and soon  I was standing at the window.  "Good morning Mr. Wiesel.  Ill take 50."

     Wiesel turned to Jack hollered at him "You should spend time with  Anna.  She's got manners maybe they'll rub off on you." He turned to Oscar.  "Oscar give her 60, She and Crutchie are the only good ones in this bunch."

     I took my papers and thanked Wiesel.  The balding man was never rude to me so I paid him the same respect.  I headed for Jack and took a seat next to him.  "So what's the headline?"  Jack was teaching me to read since my folks could never pay for school.  

     "Trolley Strike enters the third week."  He peered over at my pile of papers.  "You got more than usual?"  

     "Wiesel gave me ten more for free.  Being respectful pays of Jack.  He sometimes gives Crutchie some papers for free."  Jack mumbled something about being unfair and read to me the headlines.  

     Once everyone got there papers I stood up and walked off to my selling spot. It was halfway between the lodging house and Meda's theatre.  Papers flew by with my outrages headlines.  "Terrified flight from burning inferno, you heard the story right here."

     A man gave me a nickel and walked off with his paper which was my last paper.  "You know, it's not right to lie Newsie."  I turmed to see Oscar and Morris Delancy standing a few feet behind me and with brass knuckles on them.

     I took off towards the lodging house and cut through some allies to shorten the distance. Two blocks away.  Turning into another ally way I was cut off.  Dead end.  "No, No, No ,No" Panic raced through me.  

    "Well, looks like you got no were to go."  Oscar grabbed me and held me against the wall while Morris swung at me.

       Punches landed on every surface he could reach.  No matter how loud I screamed for them to stop or called for help, nothing happened.  When he hit my stomach all the wind was knocked out of me.  A punch flew at my face I felt throbbing in my face.  "Now, hand over you money."

   Oscar had twisted my arm behind my back and had his hand wrapped around my throat.  "HELP!!!"  I hollered once more before He tightened his grip around my throat.  

"money now, or you wont get to see tomorrow." 

     That's when you saw Jack, Race, and Mush running towards me.  Jack punched Morris , who was searching the bag I had for money, Mush pulled Oscar off of me and I fell to the ground tying to catch my breath.  Race pulled me to the side and looked over my injuries.  "Anna, you okay?"

    I nodded while taking deep breaths.  I was still shaking from fear and Race was hugging me making me look away from the fight.  "You're gonna be okay Anna."  He rubbed my back in circles.  

     Soon enough I stopped shaking and Jack and Mush had knocked out the Delancy's.  I tried to stand up but Jack wouldn't let me.  "You are in no shape to walk.  I got you don't worry."  He scooped me up and carried me bridal style.  "Them Delancies are gonna regret ever laying a hand on you."
     He carried you to the lodging house where the rest of the boys were laughing and playing.  The second Crutchie saw you everyone turned their attention to you.  "What happened?!"

Jack put me down on the couch.  "The Delancies,  I was improving the headline and they apparently don't agree with that method of selling."

     Mush was running over to the supply closest to get some cloth and bandaids.  The curley haired boy set the stuff to his side and began to clean my face.  "From now on your selling with one of us.  It don't matter who but from now on you ain't going by yourself."

     I nodded being to tired from today's events.  Jack must have noticed this and just caressed the top of my head.  It was VERY relaxing.  "If you want you can go to sleep."  He kept rubbing my head and  soon enough I fell asleep.

Jack's pov

     Anna had fallen asleep within a couple of minutes and she leaned closer to me.  Oscar and Morris must have really five her a beating.  When her ankle was twisted, she hardley complained.  The one time she did was when she raced me to the door and her ankle gave out again. 
     The sound of clattering filled my ears.  I looked back to see the brunet fall to the floor.  "Anna!"  I ran back to see her dusting off her pants.
      "I've always had bad ankles, got them from my dad."  She just chuckled.
     Reaching out I took her hand and helped her up.  "Well, if yous ever need help I'm here."
     I was snapped back to the present by racetrack hitting me with his hat.  "WHAT'S WITH YOU GUYS AND THE HATS!!!"
     "We was saying, that we should take turns watching over Anna.  New day, New Newsie."
      He sat down to my right.  " Plus with everyone having different selling spots she could get a better idea of hattens layout."
      "Sounds good."  I turned to every one.  "Here's the order, Race, crutchie, mush, specs, Finch, Elmer, buttons.. " I went and listed every newsies and ended with me. 
Kloppman walked in to tell us to go to bed.  The boys started to head up as I scooped Anna into my arms.  She looks so fragile.  I headed to her room and tucked her into her bed.  After taking her shoes off. 

When I got back to the boys rooms snickers filled the air.  "What's so funny?"
"Just how bad your crushing on Anna."one of the boys replied

"Whatever, I'm not crushing on her."  U climbed into my bunk and headed to sleep only to hear Mush singing.

"Jack and Anna sitting in a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g.  first come love the come marriage, then come a baby in a baby carriage."  Race, whose bed was next to mine, was laughing so hard he fell out of it.  He was on the top bunk.

"Mush, shut up and get to sleep.  Sing that again I'll hit yah."  And like that the room was quite.  Tomorrows gonna be a long day.

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