Family Time: Gallagher Style

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Over the next couple weeks, I began working at the mall as a security guard. It was a pretty boring gig, and I didn't get to carry a gun, so that was bullshit. The hours kind of sucked, and I didn't get to see as much of Layla as I had when I worked at Patsy's, since I had to do a bit more traveling to get there.

She was doing a lot of reading for school, and she even had some study group that had started in the evenings. I didn't understand why the fuck you start up with study groups before you even start school, but hey, I'm not the one at a prestigious university.

My birthday was coming up in a week, and I was so excited at the prospect of turning eighteen. I had my police academy application ready to turn in as soon as midnight hit on August 19th.

Summer felt like it had flown by. I really hoped things would still be the same once Layla got even busier with school. The last thing I wanted to become was two ships passing in the night, hardly seeing any of each other. Besides, she and I were accustomed to a certain level of frequency as far as sex was concerned. I definitely didn't want that to change.

It will be fine, told myself, but I wasn't all that convincing.



Carl had been working a lot. I had been reading for school, but also taking self-defense classes at night. I had told Carl I had a study group most nights. I had to laugh at the idea of forming a study group prior to even starting the class. He seemed to buy it though.

I was hesitant to tell him where I was, because he seemed to be in denial about me going back to school. Whenever it was brought up, he would change the subject. I didn't want him knowing I was preparing to go back on my own like normal. Don't ask for permission, ask for forgiveness, right?

His birthday was approaching, and I knew we would be going to celebrate with his family at some point, but I also wanted to do something special for him. Something we hadn't done together before. Something that he was into.

He was at work one night while I googled things I thought he might like. I wasn't coming up with much and was about to quit for the night when I remembered him telling me about a skateboarding injury. There was a skateboard in his room at home. I bet he was pretty good. I wondered if he'd been up to the skatepark at Grant Park. From what I'd heard other guys say, it was a pretty cool place. The location was obviously awesome, too, so there would be lots of other things we could do. I smiled to myself and closed my laptop.



The day before my birthday, Layla and I headed to my family's house for my party. She was taking me out the next day, and insisted I get my skateboard while I was home for some reason.

We walked in the door to noise and chaos. I smiled. There was comfort in familiarity. Lip, Ian, Trevor, and Liam were all sitting on the couch. They smiled and waved to us.

"Well if it isn't Paul Blart: Mall Cop!" Lip called, a cigarette dangling from his lips. He came up and hugged me obnoxiously tight.

"Shut up, dumb ass," I laughed as I shoved him off and swatted at him.

He ducked before moving his arms and revealing a big grin.

"Layla, has he given you a ride on his Segway yet?" came Ian's voice, hardly audible over his laughter.

Layla stifled a giggle as she looked at me apologetically.

"I don't ride a fucking Segway, asshole," I replied. "You know, this whole birthday thing we are celebrating means that I can finally join the police academy and be done with the lame-ass security job."

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