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I got a drink and Dominique and I sat down at a table to catch up. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I shouldn't be within 100 feet of my ex, but I was not myself, and I was jealous of Layla and Lip's intellectual foreplay happening down the block. Just talking to Dom wouldn't hurt anybody, right?

"How have you been?" she asked me. It had been at least two years since we'd seen each other.

"Fine," I smiled. "Really good, actually."

We made small talk for awhile; she asked about my family and school, I asked about her dad and what she'd been up to. It was weird to be seeing her, especially under these circumstances.

After an hour or so, she was clearly done being platonic.

"You look good," she purred, practically eye-fucking me from across the table.

I shifted in my seat, furious with myself that she could still get a rise out of me. "Uh, thanks. So do you."

She grinned and leaned across the table, and I tried like hell not to look down her very low-cut shirt. "You know, I'm really sorry for how I treated you back in the day."

"Um, it's fine," I half laughed nervously. "Water under the bridge."

She smiled at me in a predatory way. "You know, I feel like I owe you a blowy or two from back then."

I choked on my beer.

She giggled. "What do you say?"

"Uh, no, I can't do that," I stammered.

She got up from her side of the booth and cornered me on mine. She went to touch my thigh and I stilled her hand. "Dom, I have a girl now."

She pouted for a moment. "Is it serious or what?"

I half laughed. "Uh, yeah, it's very serious."

She smirked and looked around. "Well I don't see your 'very serious girl' here with you." She turned her seductive gaze back on me. "I just see you," she touched my shoulder. "Me," she dragged her hand between her breasts and I nervously looked away. "And a dark corner of the bar, where no one would notice if I slipped under the table..."

"Dom, stop," I begged through gritted teeth. I fucking hated that I had an erection listening to her.

"And sucked you off," she finished, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

I gulped. "No."

She leaned in toward my ear. "I won't tell anybody," she whispered.

I pushed her away. "No, Dominique. Fuck. I can't do this. I'm not a cheater like you. Let me out."

She looked taken aback, but slid out so I could stand up. "Damn, Carl," she pouted.

"I have a gorgeous, smart, sexy, pregnant fiancé to go home to," I spat before I turned and made my way through the crowd.

What the fuck was wrong with me?



After Carl left, I tried so hard not to cry. Lip and Ian were incredibly sympathetic and all four of the guys tried to make me feel better.

"If I could use my phone I'd be angry texting the shit out of him," Ian sighed.

Lip nodded in agreement. "He's such an idiot. I can't believe he just left you here."

I nodded, looking down sadly.

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