"Just Ask"

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Carl rolled over to face me again, and he was holding-

Holy shit. Fuck. Was that...was that a ring box? As in an engagement ring? Holy shit. He's going to ask me to marry him. Fuck. He's eighteen. I'm nineteen. We can't-

Can we though? I love him more than anyone. He's the father of my child. He is absolutely mind blowing at sex. Yeah maybe we could-

Layla, calm the fuck down. It could be earrings.

"So, uh," he began, looking nervous.

I stared at him as we lay next to each other. God, I loved him.

He exhaled and looked down before he looked back into my eyes. "So I don't want you to freak out-"

Oh my god. I'm freaking out.

"This is something I've been meaning to ask you-"

Holy shit.

"I'm not even doing it right, am I?" he half laughed.

Oh my god.

He sighed. "Look, I love you. I love you so much it freaks me out sometimes."

Lord, that smirk. Same.

"What I'm about to ask you...you don't have to decide right now-"

Oh my god, just ask me, you beautiful fuck.

"I just know that whether it's tomorrow or five years from now, that I want you by my side. I know I will never be happy with anyone else," he said softly but earnestly.

Layla, say something.

"You're not saying anything, and it's freaking me out a little," he laughed nervously.

I just smiled. "Please ask," I whispered.

He grinned, his confidence seemingly restored. He propped himself up on his elbow and held the little box between us. He went to open it, but stopped. "This is not because you're pregnant," he blurted. "I mean, yeah, it is, but just the timing of this is because of that. I would-"

"Jesus Christ, baby, just ask!" I sighed, my grin widening. I was buzzing with excitement and anticipation at this point.

He smirked and opened the box.  Inside was a simple, white gold band that I'm sure cost way too much money. I gasped.

"I know it's nothing special," he defended, needlessly. "You deserve much more than I can give you right now, but I promise you someday I will."

I was already tearing up. He could have proposed to me with a banana and still evoked this reaction when he talked like that.

"I love you, Layla," he repeated.

"I love you, too, Carl," I smiled through tears.

He took a deep breath. "When you're ready, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" I gushed, crashing my lips onto his. I was so happy I couldn't think straight.

He laughed as he broke off our kiss. "Can I put it on you?"

I nodded excitedly, putting my left hand out in between us.

He took the ring out of its padded slot and held my hand as he slid it onto my finger.

"Wow," he breathed, looking between my face and the ring on my finger. "You're really mine."

I smiled. "I always have been."

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