Chapter # 5

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Narrator's POV

Little did he know that the stone isnt with James anymore.


Sofia's POV

A few weeks has passed since the incident with James happened, and nothing bad happened to him, the question keeps on haunting me over and over again is that stone special? Does it have something to do with why that happened to James? And why did dad give the stone to Hugo?,ughhh.

I was thinking while walking around the palace, well to the place where Clover calls Heaven, just then....

"Oh Princes Sofia, do you mind telling me where James is? If you ever know". Cedric asked.

" Hi Mister Cedric, um I think he went over to Zandars". I answered.

While answering his question he started acting weird and kept on staring at me, hmmm maybe not me, but the amulet?.

"O-oh uhm may I ask , where did you get that beautiful amulet?". Cedric said as he smiled and looked at it intently.

Something about him makes me feel weird, especially now.

" Dad gave it to me". I answered." Um Mister Cedric I need to go now, my little buddy here needs food, bye ". I said as I waved at him and kept on walking far away from him.

When we arrived in the kitchen we looked around first then entered BUT then Clover started getting the carrots in one of the barrels filled with loads of carrots.

" h-hey slow down Clover, there may be a lot but you need to save a lot for the castle". I explain.

"Ughhh fine!!". Clover said as he placed 5 carrots back from the 30 carrots in his little basket.

" Let's take these out to the garden". I suggested.

"Why?". He asked.

" So that you cent get more, AND so that we won't get caught". I explained.

He nodded and started getting more carrots.

"Clover'. I said.

" What!!". He said clearly annoyed.

Which made me chuckle a bit.

And we headed out to the garden, when we finished clover sat there with both of his hands on his tummy, just then....

"Hey sof!! Mind if we join you?". James said with Hugo beside.

" Oh sure, I thought you were in Zandars?". I asked.

"Yeah, we just arrived a little while ago". He explained.

" With him?". I asked coldly.

"No need to be rude sof". Hugo said.

" ohhh and says Rudo ". I said.

" Pft ahahahahaha, stop burning Hugo Sof". James said while laughing.

"Ohh and this reminds me I better go to Amber and give her something". James said.

" And leave me with this!?!?". I asked.

"That would be great!!, sure bro get going!!". Hugo said sarcastically.

And with that James left, and because of that the munching of Clover eating is heard, I guess he brang more carrots, *sigh* *face palm*.

When he was done with one carrot he started walking around.

" Is that yours?".Hugo said while eying clover while he walks around.

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