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Hey there guys I just wanna thank everyone who has been supporting me, this was a long journey for me. It took 1 year for me to finish this book, with all the things going on in my life.

There was a point on where I don't wanna update anymore since its tiring, and I know its my fault for writing this book which made you guys interested in it and pleading for updates happened.

I am not complaining but I am thankful because of the push you guys have given me, just through your comments and love by just reading my book.

In the very beginning I felt that I have written something stupid, and stuff... But when I've noticed you guys started commenting to update, I becamr happy, BUT it never did change my opinion on my own book ehehe.

For me this book is... Stupid, it's not very nice and stuff. If you kinda get that sometimes on my story then, welcome to the club. I don't really know how prologue thriller moments. I do know how to make them but prologue them and make it something more is hard for me.

So yeah, this book isn't for proving something, or for competing, or for making myself popular here, for any selfish stuff... But I made this book because I love love love the HUGFIA ship. I'm not trying to impress anyone. This is memories for me.

MY longest supporter here would be.... Stefennn or now in the present evalynhermione.

I have totally noticed it, I was like " Wow you've waited so long for me to update and to finish" I am soooo grateful for that. This isn't favoritism or anywhere near that but I just appreciate it.

Oh and you guys may not know it but I surely know that I have fake readers here... Don't make a big fuss about it. But I simply do not care.

I don't write like other authors who wonderfully describes or narrate their stories, I love those kinds of authors. But I write with simplicity that's why you guys won't find any complicated words, it's all simple.

My book isn't perfect I know at times I tend to type fast and because of that I spelled something wrong, or when my brain does its stuff like give me ideas I would type fast before it's gone sooo that explains the wrong grammars.

And no... I don't have any plans on correcting those, because those parts are part of my memories writing this book.

I will start publishing chapters for Meant to Meet in 3 weeks, so ya better be ready for that.

I have a question....




You guys be better ready for those! Oh and puhlease share my book with others who love HugFia.

By the way I'm still open to cartoon suggestions!! See ya guys in another book!! Please do share this book with other readers, Bye!


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