Chapter # 10

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" were totally gonna read that book!". I hear two curious people at my back.

I just continued walking away from them, heh I think I'm dead once they find out.


Its Monday today and as usual the same ride to school ,BUT don't get me wrong different food (heart eyes), the same classroom BUT DIFFERENT ACTIVITIES AND .......DRAMA'S!!!.

Today I have drama class , for some reason I love acting ,soooo I have to do my best, I know the saying here.... If you love what your doing then you can do best at it.

"Hey Sofia!!". Amber sits next to me." Didn't know your interested in acting!". Amber says.

I just nodded and guess what? I continued reading my book.

"Ooooo whats the title?". Amber asked again.

" Its MHSD". I answered.

"MHS What? My Head Shut Down?". Amber says.

" ughhh now I can truly say that both of you are twins". I said and rolled my eyes.

"You guys talking about me?". Says the devil.

Who just entered the room.

" yeah, dzuhh". I said.

"How dare you Sofia!!". James said and ran up to me.

" W-what did I do?". I asked not knowing what I did.

"Why would I kill Althea!?!?, if anything I would be Althea and Sean's Cupid!". James said while fangirling.

" what is he talking about?". Amber asks while holding onto me, while she looks at her twin like he's crazy.

"Its just books". I looked over to amber at my side." And James, ya know what? You can kill Althea with your words, but sadly for you Althea's powerful soooo, YOUR.DEAD". I said.

"Ooo harsh, I see someone as fierce as a tiger here, get someone from the zoo". Hugo appears next to me.

" Someone's rattling here!!, get someone from the dangerous animal department!!".I yelled at his ears.

"Oh my Sof, if anything you shouldn't say that I'm like an ayakashi but I should be Sean!". Hugo says.

" hah you wish, you don't even act like him". I answered.

Ok OK honestly HE DOES!!! Well except for the sweet thingy, hmmm if Hugo has someone he likes I would like to see how he acts, cause we wouldn't know maybe he has the same personality as Sean.

"I do, I just don't get jealous easily ahahahaha". He laughed.

" okay". I said sarcastically.

Just then Headmistress Flora came in, hmm I honestly don't expect her as a Actor teacher. But well if she's assigned in this thing SOOO maybe she's good at it.

"Good morning students, you may take a seat". She says.

And we greeted her and took a seat in reply.

" so as you all know, it has been a habit for the school to have this play". Miss Flora said.


" no my dear Princess Amber,you will be playing beauty and the beast since you guys are the eldest in Royal prep, Your grade level will be doing the play, we already have the Prince which is Hugo, so all we need is Belle, even thou sleeping beauty is our traditional play, we would like to change things up a bit". Flora explained.

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