Chapter # 9

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When we were a bit far from him we heard him say..."Yeah Sofia needs her beauty sleep". And because of that I received two grinning people beside me.

Ughhh that guy!!!
It was Sunday today a perfect day, I was reading my perfect book, with a perfect cup of milk, in a perfect tidy bed, in a perfect weather, and in a perfect amount of sunshine. when...

"SOFIA!!". A shout came from the door the just banged open.

" care to knock?". I asked in a quite annoyed way.

"Sofia! Can I meet them!!! Now!!". James asked ignoring what I said.

" who?". I asked.

"Them!!!". He shouted clearly excited.

"*sigh* James how am I supposed to know if you just keep on saying them and not their name". I said and rolled my eyes.

" The trolls!!". He added.

"You can just go to the cave James, besides dad allowed them to go outside the cave already". I explained.

" Your close with them!". He yelled.

"I'm reading". I said.

" What is that anyway?".He asked as he went closer to my bed and sat down beside me.

"Its MHSD". I said while continue reading.

" What's that supposed to mean, My Head Shut Down?". He asked."Is that why you won't come with me? Because that book makes your head shut down?". He asks teasingly.

"Ughhh horrible jokes James". I said and rolled my eyes." Its called My High School Diaries. And I love it!". I said cheerfully.

"You aren't even on high school yet". He complained.

"Correction 'we' aren't even in high school yet". I said.

" even so, why are you reading that book?".He asks.

"Cause I love it". I answered plainly and continue reading.

" Ughhh Bookworms are coming out of the pages". He panics.

"*sigh* James I'm reading ,so you better shut your mouth". I warned.

"But I wanna play with them!!". He said.

" Gosh your so stubborn, if this keeps up then I won't be able to continue reading my book!!". I complained.

"So are you gonna accompany me then?". He asked.

I looked over to him, and s-saw t-those sparkling cute little puppy eyes.

" rghh, yes". I said in defeat.

"Okay!!". He said Cheerfully." Hugo's coming too~". He teased.

OK OK OK, just because of what happened 4 weeks ago they won't stop teasing me, well they will only when amber is around, its really starting to get annoying, and Hugo's always here in our castle lately.

Once ready I set out of my room and to the meeting lounge to find Hugo and James already there.

"Ready?". I asked.

The both nodded in excitement, we walked thru the trees and saw the cave were they live.

" Can we come inside?". Hugo asked.

"Umm". I think." No, not yet, besides being rude your totally impatient". I said.

"Ohh harsh". James said as he patted Hugo's back.

I went closer to the cave and shouted " Gnarlie!! Its me Sofia!! My brother and another guy wants to meet you!!". I shouted which echoed through the whole cave.

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