Chapter # 12

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" M-me?, in fact No, no I don't".I said innocently.

I then started going away before the teasing becomes bigger.


"Good morning class!!". Fauna said excitedly as she entered the classroom.

" What's going on?". I ask amber beside me.

"Hmmm, is it this time of the year!?!?". She asks excitedly at Hildie.

" OMAYGOSH YESS!!!".Hildegard said as she hopped around.

"What's up with her?". James asks as and got his eyes away from the book he was reading  and then he looked at Hildie .

" ITS FINALLY HERE JAMES!!". Amber said and gripped tightly at James.

"O-ouch!! Ughh i just wish this time of the year dosent exists.

And because of that i looked at the 3 of them in curiosity, Hildie still hoppin around,Amber keeps on squealing, and James just rolls his eyes at the sight of Amber.

" W-whats gonna happen?". I ask .


" TEA PARTY TIME!!".Amber says happily.

"Shush Amber!!". Merryweather says.

And with that Amber just nodded and sat back down.

"*sigh* thank goodness". James said as he breathed in relief.

" Hildegard sit down!!".headmistress Flora said irritatedly.

"Awww ok".Hildegard says sadly.

" whats the big deal ? Its just a tea party,i did that ALL the time when i was younger". I whispered over at James.

"Don't say that Sof!!, especially with Amber and Hildie here near us". James warned.

" Why?, are they gonna attack us or something?? ". I said and chuckled a bit.

Seeing as James didnt laugh.

" Are they? ".i ask nervously.

" Thats how serious they are sof".James explained.

Because of that i felt a bit scared cause even princesses have scary sides.

"Ok!, last year we had princess Hilegard and Princess Amber lead the tea party, AND it went Beautifully". Headmistress Fauna said as she clasped her hands together.

" And soo we want to---".Headmistress Merryweather was intterupted by....

"HAVE MINE AND HILDIES TEA PARTY AGAIN!?!?". Amber asked as she stood up happily.

" No Princess Amber, we want to have something different".Headmistress Flora explained.

Because of that Amber came back seating down sadly.

(ANNNNDDD you guys know ehat happened there IF you saw that episode of sofia the first,it was when Sofia was chosen to lead the tea party AND Amber ended up helping her, and let me just say things got WAYYYY TO OVERBOARD , and because of that Sofia planned to do something else, remember the secret garden?, yup thats where she held the tea party "SIMPLY" but in a creative way by..... Painting their teacup's, and honestly it was a peaceful successful tea party. And here's what im adding...)

"How did you discover this place Sofia?". James said and he looked around.

" well... Thats a secret, lets just say Clover started all of this ehehe".i said and looked around the place filled with colorful butterfly.

"This is amazing Sofia!!". Amber says as he sat right next to me.

" heh thanks".i said as she leaned on me.

"Can i use this place for parties?". She asks.

" sorry amber but no".i answered.

See thats why i wanted  to keep this beautiful place a secret, when i answered Amber stood up and got out of the garden. *sigh*.

"Thats fine Sof, later on shes gonna forget about it". James said as he patted my back.

I hope so.

" Sofia thanks for this, your grade will be given next week".headmistress Fauna said along with the other headmistress's and went out.

"I gotta go too Sof, i still have homework to do". James said and before i know it im the only one left.

Heh James thinks that he could escape cleaning?? *sigh* i guess ill just have to give it to him, because he has been horse riding since this morning, hmmm speaking about horse riding......

" hey wanna hand?"someone familiar said.

I looked over to the entrance to see...... Speak of the devil.

"Help out all you want, i honestly dont care". I said while rolling my eyes.

I lied. I honestly care, cause its getting late and i dont wanna be alone here.

" i sure will".he said and grabbed a broom, and started sweeping.

"What are you doing here anyway?". I ask.

" well me and James were going to do a project but then it became very late seeing as you had your tea party, i see you've let the others know this place, what happened to the 'i wont because they might ruin this place'?". He asks as he tried to interpret me.

"Ahahaha not bad well i'll hide this place again but........ I dont know how". I said and scratched the back of my neck.

" Want me to help you?". He ask.

"Do you know how?". I ask looking at him, my arms folded while raising one of my brow.

" well yeah, we could use magic".he answered.

"Oh can you?". I ask sarcastically.

" You dont trust me do you?".he ask looking at me.

"Heh, when did i ever trust you!?!?". I ask while pointing at him.

" And here i thought you wanted peace as well". He said.

"Well sorry for ruining it for ya". I said and smirked.

But honestly were slowly going there, well because of that we became a BIT closer but we still do fought ALOT, but we fought less than before SOOO thats a good thing.

" but seriously though, i can use magic to hide the door way if you want me to". He suggested.

"Ok, fine". I said." But only when were done cleaning, i wanna see how you do it".i said and cleaned faster.

When we were done cleaning i watched as Hugo cast a spell that hides the door leading to the garden i guess i dont trust Amber knowing cause she might use it, and i dont want that to happen.

"Done!". Hugo said as he clasped his hands.

Just as he said that a bright light illuminated around the door, and then *poof* ,i opened my eye's and saw the door gone, i can only see the similar plant wall.

" woah".i said in amusement. " but how do i get in?".i asked.

"Well here". He said and went near me, he bent down to my level seeing as he is taller than me, then touched my amulet or the chain of it.

" w-what are you doing?".i ask looking at him, his face was 2 inches apart from mine, and i could feel his hot breath on my cheek.

"There". He said smiling and got back a bit.

I saw a similar stone to what my dad gave him but this was smaller.

" Use that to open the door thats invisible right now".he said and started walking away.

"T-thanks". I stuttered.

" no prob".he says while going farther away from me.

When there was no sign of him anymore i looked at them stone thats hanging beside my amulet and smiled, and i decided to go to bed.

Sofia The First: Winter LoveWhere stories live. Discover now