Chapter # 7

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Everyone passed while both Headmistresses Merryweather and Fauna didn't know what happened AND we want to keep it that way. ;)

"Princess Sofia, time for your camping trip!!". Bailiwick says in the other side of the door.

" Coming!!". I said as I grabbed my big bag filled with the things needed for the camping trip, this trip is only for buttercup members, what about school you ask?, well its a Saturday soooo no classes.

I went out and "tried" putting the on heavy bag, but then...

"Let me carry that for you Princess". Bailiwick says as he got the bag from me.

During this camping trip I wanna do things on my own soon, I need to carry that bag on my own but before I could tell him that, he already went out and said " I'll tell the king and queen that your about to head out and then I'll be back, wait for me at the lounge princess". He said and left still carrying MY bag.

When I arrived at the lounge a few more minutes later bailiwick arrived and put my bag in the flying coach,  I went in and we headed to where the meeting place was.

"Hey, Meg, Jade!!". I greeted as she went closer to the two young ladies.

"Hey!!". Meg greeted back and gave me a bug warm hug.

"H-hey b-bailiwick?". Jade said as she looked over my shoulder.

I looked behind and saw bailiwick i-in a b-buttercup UNIFORM!!!, whats the meaning of this!?!?.

"Um Bailiwick, w-what are you doing here?". I asked.

"The king wanted me to accompany you soooo... Im heree to help you out". Bailiwick explained.

"Ughh sorry bailiwick but... you can help me out BY just observing me, ok?, just dont do anything , pls let me do this stuff on my own". I explained as i patted his back.

And so the whole camping happened BUT im sure you guys knew what happened ( if you have watched the episode about Buttercups thingy) Bailiwick always helped and i didnt do much, BUt later on he learned his lesson about it, when the camping trip was done i was exploring the forest because ...why not?, i wanna remember the places on where i have come and Bailiwick is talking to the leader about joining to become the first ever boy buttercup.But what i didnt notice was that i was going deeper and deeper in the forest.


I was practicing riding a horse and doing some tricks with it, when...I heard footsteps coming from the forest in front of the coarse that is set up behind my castle.

I got off my horse and walked nearer the entrance of the forest.

"Anyone there? ". I called out.

No answer, was given to me.

Because of that and BECAUSE of my curiosity i walked inside the forest, i didnt realize that i was getting further and further away from ghe castle, hmmm i guess the sound was far from the castle, the sound just echoed..... i think.

"Is anybody there?". I asked once again.

"Ughhh". A voice cam from behind.

When i looked over my back i was suddenly punched right in the face.

"Ow!!". I screamed and squinted my eyes in pain.

"AND THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR SNEAKING ON ME!!!". A familiar voice said.

I opened my eyes to see.... SOFIA!!!

"S-sofia!?!?". I asked surprised on why she's here.

"H-hugo!!!". She said with curious written on her face.

When she realize what she has done to me, here eyes became wide, but then she smirked at me.

"Well i guess you deserve that punch for being a rudo, NOT SORRY". Sofia said as she crossed her arms while smirking.

"Ughh that hurt, why are you here anyway?". I asked but then i looked over to what she was wearing." Camping?". I added.

"Y-yeah we just finished, but because i wanna treasure the moment of nature i started wandering off". She said while still crossing her arms."you?". She asked ang raised one eyebrow.

"Well i think i heard something which seems to be you, and so because of my curiosity here i am". I answered.

"What were you doing anyway?". She asked and rolled here eyes.

Sheesh this girl really dosent like me.

"Well i was practicing with my horse in my castle". I answered

"Castle?". She looked questionly.

"Yeah my castle is near hear, what wanna see my home?". I asked teasingly.

"Heh, you wish". She said and started walking away.

"Where are you going?". I asked.

"Why would you care?". She questioned.

"Heh!!Me.CARE!?!?!,FOR YOU!?!?" NEVER!". I answered.

"Well thats what i thought so". She said and started walking away.

Butter cup eiy? Ahahahahaha.

Sofia's POV

I cant believe i bumped into that guy in a nice fine day, me finally receiving my badge, but then a guy named Rudo ruined it.

Hmmmm he's on horseriding eiy! Watch out, sofia's comin out,.......... of her shell, lol.

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