Chapter # 26

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OMG! It's my 2nd year of becoming a princess! And I am now determined to do better since this will be my, I mean our last year of Royal Elem, the we will become Royal High school Students.

I woke up bright and early not wanting to be late, like I was in my first day last year well even though that was a different scenario I still don't want to be late.

I was walking in the hallway to the dining room when...

"GOOD MORNING SOFFY!". Someone fridging familiar shouts at my ear.

"Gogo!!! You scared me!". I said while slapping him lightly.

"Ahahaha sorry, seems like you were day dreaming there". He says.

"I was just thinking, by the way why are you here? Why do you keep on popping out everywhere? And can you please stop scaring me?. I ask.

" OK ok ok ahahaha James invited me last night to a sleep over ok? And I don't pop out everywhere, I go anywhere, oh and sorry for scaring you ehehe". He smiled sheepishly.

*sigh* "So does this mean your going to school with us?". I ask.

"Affirmative! By the way congratulations on surviving 1 year of being a princess!". He says while clapping in a dorky way.

I just chuckled. We went inside the dining room to see no one still there but the food is already ready.

"Let's eat already, we don't want to be late right?". I ask.

"tsk, tell yourself that, first day seems still pretty clear to me". He teased.

We sat beside each other and started eating.

"By the way I was wondering what boy's slumber party is like?". I ask, still eating.

"Not at all different to girls, but we do what we want to do, play games, talk about many stuff". He answered.

"Specifically what?". I ask.

He was about to answer when...

"Oh hey kiddos, I see your excited". Dad said smiling brightly while going to his seat.

"Good morning dad!". I respond cheerfully.

"Good morning your highness". Hugo says formally.

And because of this setting that Hugo and dad are here, I remembered something about the stone that Dad gave Hugo...

"Dad?". I called out.

"Yes darling?". Dad asks.

"Now that we three are here I wanted to know why you gave the stone to Hugo?". I ask.

"You still remember that? That was somewhat a year ago". Dad says.

"Oh yes me too your highness I'm curious as well". Hugo says.

Dad sighs knowing that we will keep on bothering him if he won't answer.

"The stone is meant for someone who can protect the future, the future is someone who hold something very powerful and that certain someone should have the owner of the stone by the future". Dad says.

"Was that riddlish? I get the part where the owner of the stone should protect the future but... Who exactly is the future?". I ask.

"When the time is right, you will someday know Sofia". Dad answered.

Hugo was about to say something when James and Amber came inside followed by mom, which ended our discussion.

"Good morning everyone". Dad greeted.

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