Chapter # 8

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Hmmmm he's on horseriding eiy! Watch out, sofia's comin out,.......... of her shell, lol.

"Sofia, Jade and Ruby's here". Bailiwick announced from the other side of the door.

" I'll be there". I said.

Its 5 pm here in Enchacia, and were having a sleep over!!! I decided to bring Jade and Ruby here since it has been a while that I haven't talked with them, before we used to do sleep overseas IT.WAS.SO.FUN!!! But because of everything that happened I can only visit them during the Saturdays and well..... Sometimes I couldn't even visit them, so I decided to tag them along and were also going to be accompanied by Amber,Hildegard, and Clio. I wanted to bring Vivian but because Vivian is Vivian she denied because she's shy lol.

When I was done preparing my stuff I ran directly to the meeting lounge, when I saw then I directly hugged them without warning.

"AHHH----Oh Sofia!!". The both yelled in chorus.

" I missed you guys SOOO much!!". I squealed.

"How have you been doing Sof!?!?". Jade asked as both of them pulled away from the hug then looked at me.

" well things are great besides the fact that there are SOOO many things to do, well as usual some of them are awesome and some of then are just ..... Niye , AND there's this one UGHHH guy that keeps on ruining my day, and well as expected of me I ruin his day as we'll heh". I blabbed.

"Oooo sound like someone here's got a prince charming!!". Meg teased.

" HEH.ME!!.PRINCE CHARMING!! No way, that guy is a total ......
......ughhh I can't even explain it, well yeah he IS charming but...". I stopped realizing what I just said, and because of that I looked over to two smirking girls.

"Charming eiy!". When Jade said that both of them began laughing hardly but then..

"Come on girls, the other princesses are waiting". Bailiwick called out.

(And I'm sure you guys know what happened, OK for those who don't here's an explanation.

Jade and Meg finally meets the other princess and because they are far different from each other they don't get along to well, while Sofia tries to make them close well guess what? She failed because both her unroyal friends think that Sofia is being selfish and that Sofia wants them to change in ways they don't even enjoy, but then.. When Sofia came to her senses she ran to her friends who were about to leave, she said sorry and they continued " their" slumber party without the other princesses but when they were in the middle of partying the other princesses heard the ton of fun they were having and decided to join them, and there they became close friends.:)

So that's what happened but I'm gonna be putting something else ehehehehe ;) this is when they were done with the sleep over.)

The other princesses were fast asleep as well as Jade and Meg.

"H-hm?". I murmured to myself as I rubbed my eyes.

What's that's sound? I ask myself.

I stood up making sure I don't wake anyone, I opened the door and closed it lightly, when I was in the hall I could hear the sound getting more and more louder, I came closer to the source of the sound slowly. But then..

" O-ouch!!". I grunted in pain as I hit a wall.

Hmm maybe I'm still dizzy from waking up.

"Really clums? We've got to stop meeting like this". Someone familiar said.

When I opened my eyes and squinted it, WHY IS THIS GUY HERE!?!?

" W-what are you doing here?". I ask, ignoring what he said earlier.

"Me,Zandar,Desmund and Of coarse James are having a Sleepover ". He answer leaning onto the wall beside him.

" Sleepover? How come I haven't heard of it?". I asked.

"Well I don't know". He days and shrugged.

" What are you doing in the hallway anyway?". I asked arms crossed.

"Ya know what? I should be asking you that, What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be fast asleep with the others?".He asked and crossed his arms as well leaning is back onto the wall.

Ughhh annoying as ever.

"I heard you guys". I said.

" ohh we were just playing with shooting toy gun's, it was fun". He said and chuckled at bit.

"Well I don't care if its fun or not! Just quite down!!  You guys might wake the others as well!". I warned.

" Heh now is that how you treat someone you think is Charming ?". He asked while smirking, still leaning his back onto the wall.

W-where the hell did he hear this!?!?!?!.

"Heh as if i would think you are charming". I said and raised my brow, trying not to let it become obvious.

" Oh well from what I heard, you think I'm charming ". He says grinning widely.

" N-now you're having fun teasing me aren't you!! Where did you even hear that nonsense?"I said clearly annoyed.

"I sure am, oh but that nonsense sure is flattering". He says.

" J-just answer me!!!". I commanded.

"Heh keep your mouth down, wouldn't want the others to wake up or know that were talking especially Amber."He said." Like what you did this morning , me and the boys were at the balcony playing, but then we heard someone blabbering at the meeting lounge, and we heard you loud and clear, AND because of that the guys kept on teasing me". He explained.

I was surprised, ughhh I don't know what to do!!

"Hey close your mouth". He says while putting his pointing finger under my chin causing my mouth to close, but then...

"Oooo I see something's going on here". Jade entered while teasing along with Meg .

Phew good thing amber isn't here, but bad thing is Jade and Megan saw us in this position, I was frozen in place.

" oh hey there!!". Hugo says as he removed  his hand from my chin and waved at them.

"Are you the famous Ughhh guy?". Meg asked as she imitated me .

" you mean Famous Charming Ughhh guy? Yes, yes I am". He says while looking at me teasingly.

"Ehh, g-girls that's not real". I said while pointing at Hugo." That's just a holographic monogram ehehehe". I said.

I know its stupid but I don't care!!

"Oh really!?!? Wow!!, what's the name of this... Graphic monogram ?". Jade asked, clearly not buying what I said.

" its Rudo ". He says while emphasizing the word Rudo and winked at me, I just looked at him like he had grown two heads.

I can't take this anymore!!

" l-lets go guys, its too early to wake up". I said and grabbed them.

When we were a bit far from him we heard him say..."Yeah Sofia needs her beauty sleep". And because of that I received two grinning people beside me.

Ughhh that guy!!!

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