Chapter # 23

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Finally!! It's summer time!!

Done with Derby stuff, dancing stuff and most especially school stuff!!

This summer my family plans to take a ride on the Royal cruise ship, which makes me Very excited! Its going to be my first time riding one.

I smiled as I walked happily onto the carriage.

"Seems like your excited Sof". James said.

"Well of coarse it will be my first time riding a cruise ship!". I clasp both my hands together.

"okay, but correction Sof not to be mean or anything but it's called the Floating Palace". Amber said.

"Well I am certainly not". Bailywick says holding luggage for our trip.

"We understand Bailywick that you have such a bad motion sickness when it comes to the Ocean, but we need you". Mother says as she sat beside me.

"I totally understand your highness". He said in reply, and continued bringing more luggages to the carriage.

Cedric then came inside the carriage, why? Because he was proven innocent, that bird wasn't Cedric's because the bird that attacked James has red eyes.

How many minutes later, While heading to the port...

"Oh Sofia, I would like you to have this". Mom says as she handed me a book.

I looked over at the cover and saw that it is about mermaids.

"What for mom?" I ask curiously.

"Well because it takes hours to arrive in the Merroway Cove". Mom says.

"Oh thank you mom, but what about James and Amber?". I ask looking over at the both of them.

"Don't worry Sof we have things planned on what we're going to do". Amber said while grinning towards James and James the same.

"ookaayy...". I said and started to become curious on what this mermaid book has in stored for me.

I hurriedly opened the book in excitement to be engrossed by the prologue no longer controlling myself while I skim through pages and pages entranced by the stories about mermaids.

The whole ride from the carriage to the pier, to the pier to the Floating Palace, leading to Marroway Cove, I kept reading, but then...

(This is were, Sofia saw a mermaid named Oona stuck in a fishnet then and there Sofia helped her, but Oona could hardly swim, Sofia then tried to help her again but when her legs touched the water she became a mermaid, Oona then decided to take Sofia to her secret hide out which is a ship wreak. How many minutes later they were surprised to see a seahorse named Sven, along with Oona's sister Cora. Seven decided to give Sofia a tour around the cove that's when she met Queen Emmanline and Plank, every mermaid at the cove gathered with terror plastered upon their faces, as they discussed what to do with the ship which Sofia owns. Sofia then promised to Queen Emmanline that she will rid of the ship moving it elsewhere and she will never go near the cove again, she then left heading towards her ship to be followed by Oona, seconds after that Sofia almost got into the ship leaving Oona sadly, that's when she felt a tentacle grab her, she screamed for help which Sofia heard. Sofia followed but she wasn't been able to find her, she got back to Queen Emmanline and told her the news, Sven helped Sofia find Oona, with the help of Clover and Farley the Seagul, they wandered everywhere but only Farley found Oona trapped in a cage guarded by a sea monster that's when he came back and looked for Sofia, When Sofia knew she went to the cave grabbed the key but failed to release Oona, that's when she came back to the ship depressed, just then Ariel popped out of nowhere leading Sofia to Oona's big sister Cora, which helped her free Oona and they came back fast before Queen Emmanline summons a typhoon to swallow the Floating Palace. When Queen Emmanline saw her daughter everything went back to normal, and the mermaids and humans became friends.)

Cedric's POV

"Ughh we failed again wormwood!". I slumped on my chair sadly.

To my inconvenience Wormwood just stood in his cage staring at me.

"I need vacation...".

Wait... This is already vacation!!! Ughh I wasted my vacation time getting something I almost got!

Sofia's POV

Later on that night I couldn't sleep, I went over to the balcony of the Floating Palace to see the Moon reflecting its light onto the Ocean, it certainly is beautiful, just then an idea popped into my mind, I went over to the swimming board of the Floating Palace and non hesitantly jumped into the water revealing my mermaid fins.

I swam till my hearts content, I looked over at Oona's kingdom and saw that it lit the Ocean beautifully, but sadly I can't see anyone around I guess everyone's asleep except me.

I then started swimming not caring where I go, I enjoyed watching nature do its thing. Just then I came across land, I looked over and saw.... Someone looked at me.

"A mermaid!?!?". A familiar voice said in panic.

I can't quite see who this person is but I'm sure it's a guy.

"H-hey... Don't worry I won't hurt you". I said as I started coming closer to the surface, seeing who the familiar face belong to.

"S-sofia?... How did this happen?". He asked in agape looking at my tail.

"Heh long story...". I said as I moved a lock of hair behind my ears.

He then became silent now in awe.

"By the way what are you doing here... Hugo?". I ask.

"In vacation, but the question is what are you doing here? I know you guys are having vacation somewhere near here but... I would have never guessed something like this to happen". He said.

"Well it's a long story, but I came here because I can't sleep, you? Can't sleep either?". I ask.

"Yeah, it's just so beautiful". He says looking over at the Ocean.

I just nodded and looked over at the Ocean as well.

Minutes after that we started talking about what happened and other things, but then...


"Sleepy now are yah?". He teased.

I giggled "yeah". Is all I said.

"I think it's time for you to go, be careful heading back its dark". He says in a caring way.

"I'm gonna be alright, you too be careful". That's the last thing I said before swimming away heading back to the Floating Palace.

And finally slept peacefully.


Helooo guys!! I have news for yaa, so I am planning to give updates every Monday, and because of that I might give you guys 2-5 chapters EVERY MONDAY!, so better check that out EVERY MONDAY!!And BTW please suggest a cartoon that I can watch so that I can make a fanfic of it, oh and make sure that if I watch it I can ship someone ok!?!?, that's all see ya in the next update.


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