Chapter # 14

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When Queen miranda said the next words Althea started tearing up even more then queen miranda started hugging her tightly,meaning its really bad, gahhh this is making me more and more frustrated.

Anyways i need to go back before they think I'm skipping.

Sofia's POV

A few minutes later Miss Althea?, came in with a smile, w-wait...... Her eyes are a bit

"Ok class today we will be learning the art of........... Ballet!!!". She said cheerfully yet her eyes seems to disagree, there were a hint of sadness that i cant explain!! I don't wanna see her like this...... For some reason.

" I knew it!!". Amber whispered cheerfully.

I then opened my bag, and put out the ballet shoes / toe shoes that Amber picked out for me yesterday. I then crouched down to put the shoes on, and then i tied the lace. Once done i stood up and got in line with the others.

We started off with stretching, then we did the basic positions.

"Ok!! Now that i know that all of you can do those positions...... Were gonna start the real thing!!". She said cheerfully and went over to a music box, she pressed something and then the music started.

W-wait......... Why does that music sound so familiar!!!!. I looked over to her and saw the same glint of sadness in her eyes.

I again listened to the music, i unknowingly started pointing my toes and started dancing. Miss Althea didn't even thought us the dance yet.

Suddenly i heard murmurs, when the music stopped at its end i stopped with a pose, i then looked at everyone behind me and see amused and surprised faces, i looked at Amber who's mouth is opened.

When she composed herself she ran to me." SOFIA!!!! YOU WERE SOOO GREAT!!! HOW DID YOU DO THAT!?!?". She asked while holding both sides of my shoulders with her hands. I looked at Miss Althea , she was in tears (tears of joy).

But before i could say anything ....

"How did you learn how to dance!?!? It clearly shows that you have been dancing for a while". Hildegard asks while folding her arms.

When Amber heard that she seems to realize something because she looked at me differently.

" Y-yes i did before, but......... I don't remember, why? What's wrong?". I ask with curiosity in my eyes.

"S-sofia......does T-this means you have been....... Practicing before...... W-when you arent r-royalty yet?". She asked with pity in her eyes.

" Yes why?". I ask.

"*sigh* Sofia normal people cant afford to have dance lesson's and they aren't allowed ". Hildegard explained.

" *ahem* may i just correct you that a servants daughter can be allowed to dance". Miss Althea cutted.

"Ohhh..... I seem to forget that Sofia's mother was once a shoe maker, sorry about that sof". Hildegard said and hugged me, when she broke the hug" Anyways YOU.WERE.AWESOME!!!"
She squealed.

We started practicing, i mean "they" started practicing, Miss Althea decided that i should teach my fellow dancers as well.

When we finished i ran directly towards the derby rink. When i was about to enter the rink....

"What do you think you're doing here " Princess"?". Someone familiar asked while emphasizing the word Princess.

I turned around and saw............ Hugo leaning against the fence.

"Well...... I'm here because i wanna join". I said and directly faced my back to him then entered but then...

"*sigh* same old Sofia i see". He muttered but it seem to fail cause i heard.

" What did you say?". I asked in curiosity and turned around to face him.

"N-nothing". He stuttered for a bit.

And with that i went inside seeing tons of boys, including James, Zandar ,Desmund and many more.

" Oh what might you need Princess Sofia?". Someone at his old age asked me.

I looked at him like ......... Who is he? When he sensed that...

"Ohh my apologies!! I'm the coach for the flying derby club, my name is Mister( sry guys idk the name ahaha lol, but for now let's call him Alexander, in short Alex) Alexander". He said.

" oh hi Mister Alex, i came here because i wanted to join the flying derby club". I explained and smiled sweetly.

"Oh sorry c-can you repeat what you said?, it seems like my ears are failing on me ehehe". He said.

" I said i wanted to join the flying derby club". I repeated.

"Are you sure about that?". He asked while his tone became serious.

" Affirmative". I answered.

"Ohh uhh, o-ok, b-but........ Do you have any experience with riding a horse?". Mister Alex asked while crossing both his arms.

I do!!, because i have been watching james every week end in the garden, he keeps riding his horse, sometimes he even teaches me because i get caught watching him, and i manage to do it, im great with speed i even manage to over run James because of how fast i was going ,but i need a little work with tricks.

" Yes i do!!I'm a very fast rider but i need to work a bit on my tricks". I explained.

He seemed taken back but quickly composed himself.

"Do you have a horse?". He ask raising a brow.

" yes i do have!! He's at home, his name is maximus". I answered.

Maximus and i are a very great team.

"O-ok, then try outs will be tomorrow". He said and directly faced his back at me and started going to his students who were looking at me.

" I wont let you down sir!!". I said and walked backwards but then bumped into a wall.

I turned around and saw......

"Have i ever told you that we should stop meeting like this?". Hugo asks.

" well I'm sorry i didnt see you, i was facing my back, but how come you didnt move away!?!?". I asked raising one brow.

"Well i wasnt walking backwards unlike you!! I was talking to someone earlier". He explained.

" ughh ok then.... Sorry". I said.

"Hmmm anyways i didnt know you know how to ride". He said.

" well that's because you dont know me". I said and went away.

Honestly you dont know because everytime you hang out at the palace i dont join James practice, and i just danced in my room.

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