Trust me

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" Stop"  I'd planted both hands on his chest and pushed InuYasha back, "Just stop it" I repeated. 

"Kagome" he let out in frustration but allowed me to shove him back a step. 

"It that all you have to say?" I demanded with anger in my voice. "You disappear in the middle of the night gone for days and show up smelling like grave yard soil and cant even look me in the eyes" I challenged. 

I'd been sick to my stomach worried about him. He'd slipped off after I'd fallen asleep, I'd awoken to a empty camp site and the fire out. No note, no nothing letting me know where he went or if he was okay. 

He looked down quickly and his ears flattened in a guilty way that really showed the dog part in him. 

"Go" I glared. "Just leave already" 

"Kagome" He stammered out. 

"I wont share you InuYasha. Not with anyone, especially Kikyo. That woman has come between us to many times and you keep letting her" I glared at him. "I'm done playing this game with you" 

"I'm sorry" He whispered out. 

"So who will it be InuYasha? Me or her. You cant have us both, I wont be second best and I wont wait for you to change your mind" I wrapped my arms around myself. 

"I'm so sorry" he whispered. 

Blinking I shook my head as I turned and walked back to the camp. "No your not" I whispered knowing he could hear me. 


"I did warn you girl"

I almost groaned at the sound of her voice. She was the last person I wanted to see. I glanced over and she was perched in the tree looking down at me with those cold brown eyes her soul collectors floating around her.  

"I told you what we have will never go away that he would always be mine. He would never forget me and I would never allow him to" she gloated as she hopped down. 

I rolled my eyes. "I dont care" I stated with a sigh. I didn't after I'd walked away I'd packed all my things and started walking. He didn't stop me or try to talk to me about my leaving and I left it at that. A part of me accepted this would be my fate. 

It had been four years with him sense I'd chosen to stay here in the feudal era with him. 

She scoffed at this. " I told you he and I-" she tried to continue. 

I stopped and turned to her. "He may have been yours before at first, and he may have this so called bond with you" I started off rather coldly. "But he was mine for these four years, he came home to me and had that normal life with me" I rubbed into her face. "We lived as a couple, we did everything together as a couple" Her face darkened. " I had him first Kikyo" 

She glared at me. "He wouldnt" 

"But he did" I grinned at her as I turned back onto the path and started walking. 

Time moved by fast by the way of the sun I would guess it's been a half hour into my trip. She didn't follow me after that or try to rub it in my face. I guess I did have the last laugh in that matter. I grinned to myself at least I had that. 

"Why'd you tell her" InuYasha demanded as his presence became evident to me.

" I thought  I made it clear I didn't want to see you again InuYasha" I sighed trying to ignore his ever creeping presence I felt as he moved closer. 

"Higurashi" he let out stiffly. 

"Listen InuYasha you have 10 second to get away from me." I threatened. "Leave me alone" 

InuYasha *One shots* -Short storys-Where stories live. Discover now