My Reward

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:Kagome X Sesshomaru 


My eyes flickered and I smiled. "InuYasha"

He gave me a smile and cleared the distance between us with a easy jump and landed gracefully in front of me.

He was older now. His feature more mature. It had been three years sense Id seen him when hed went off on his own to finish something his father had started before he was born. Another test left for him.

The final one.

He brushed back a strand of my hair and traced my cheek. "You havent changed a bit" he noted softly his keen eyes tracings my face.

I glanced away and sighed. "It appears I stopped aging" I stated softly while shifting my basket to one hip. "It happened at least  two years ago. Just froze one day. Kaede believes its because of my travels through the well. She believes that a part of the supernatural essence sealed itself inside me to preserve me."

He nodded with a sigh and stepped back.

"That is good ?"

I nodded. "It allows me to do as I have. Kaede also believes there wont be another priestess like Kikiyo or I. Could be the worlds way of ensuring that there will always be someone who can protect it"

His lips thinned. "You've accepted that roll?"

"Not wholly. I do slay demons and purify what needs to be. But I havent trained further then what I know or what comes to me. I chose to live a relatively normal life"

He relaxed slightly. "Thats good"

"What brings you back here?"

His eyes scanned the area before he gave a simple shrug. As if that would pacify me.

He did after all simply up and leave me here to wait for him. Three years later my feelings for him simmered and a part of me resented him for taking advantage of me in such a way.

In the past while still only 15 I would have over looked it, in a foolish niaeve way I'd always hoped he would settle down with me in this life I chose to be trapped in.

I gave a puff and started to walk back towards my hut. My thoughts swirled from one thing to another.

Just why had he came back after three years? Never once did he visit all this time. Leaving me to worry the first year and every sound by my door I'd rush to see if he had came back to me. But as the second year went by little by little I didn't go to check as much till finally I stopped.


"Follow if you wish" I let out while walking briskly.

With a frustrated sigh the heavy pads of his feet followed me and into the hut. He inhaled deeply and as I glanced at him his eyes scanned the roomy area.

"Its nice here"

"Yes well I did need my own place" I shrugged and placed my basket down and sorted my herbs, spices and freshly caught fish.

Id planned a small dinner similar to one I use to eat while traveling with him.

Fire roasted fish with wild mushrooms and onions. A small pot of bone broth bubbled filling the hut with a beefy hint and my well worn mat waited for me before the fire.


"What Inuyasha?" I finally snapped my anger surfacing. "What brought you back?!"

"I finished my tasks" he looked confused. "I told you-"

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