Behind the Mask

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:Kagome X Sesshomaru

Sesshomaru was such a reserved man. With little to say and a face that was near emotionless it was hard to gage just what he felt or thought on anything.

Getting him to voice it was a different matter all together.

I gave a small sigh and pulled my knees up to my chest a shiver racing through my body.

It was mid December and snow was everywhere. And by that I meant well over my head in most areas.

The fire warmed me slightly but didn't chase away the chill than had already set in my bones.

Even through my thick clothes with many layers to the fur cape I wore it didn't do much as I sniffled and was temped to lean closer to the fire.


Jumping slightly my eyes met twin golden eyes and my heart ached slightly.

InuYasha was gone. But he remained.

He shifted and held out a pale hand his sharp nails glistened as if he had a nice top coat on them.

Unable to resist I uncurled myself and took his hand. It was warm the touch of his fingers against mine and the cold was being chased away and heat spread up my arm flowing through my body.

He gripped slightly and with a soft pull I was in his arms his fur tucked around me. The heat from his body radiating in a way that simply wasnt human.

But then again he was a demon after all.

Against my own judgment or thought my face nuzzled into the curve of his neck and my body migrated closer molding to his like a second layer.

And the chill was gone. Replaced with a comforting heat that soon made me want to peel away layers till I was down to my kimono.

"Ask next time" his voice was firm and held a hint of annoyance. And a part of me knew just why.

I hadn't told him how cold Id gotten. Id shoved down how I was feeling and dealt with it much like I had when I traveled with InuYasha.

But these two were different in every way. Yes he was silent and had little words but when it came to the fairer sex he took great care in them. Always insuring they always had what they needed when it was needed.

A sigh slipped from my lips and I nodded as my body melted into his feeling the hard lines of his body was thrilling.

Making my body buzz as if I was filled with bees. His hand smoothed down my hair and a part of me wanted to purr as he continued his body relaxed leaned against the stone wall his one arm around my waist his other working through my long hair.

"Sleep" his voice rumbled softly under my ear and I groaned in response and pressed closer to him his arm tightened gathering me against him tighter. "Nothing will bother you tonight"


Yawning softly my body stretched and curled tightly into a ball feeling the soft fur of his throw against my skin I nuzzled into it noting that his radiating body heat was missing but the cave was warm as ever as I pried my eyes open and glanced around my mouth popped open slightly as I realize we were no longer in a cave.

The room was filled with lush cushions and pillows quilts and mats. I sat and looked around and froze my eyes settled on the food set out not to far from me the hearty smell of stew filled my lungs and my stomach rumbled. 

"Eat" My eyes flickered at his voice. 

"Where are we?" I moved closer and inhaled the sweet smell of stew and cradled the bowl between my hands. 

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