His Little Bird

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: Kagome X Naraku 

I felt his hand slip around my throat and the slight pressure restricted my breathing as I peered into his red eyes. 

"Kikyo" His voice like venom as he sneered the name. 

Gasping I gripped his wrist struggling feet flailing as he lifted me higher my toes no longer touching the ground I whimpered in distress. 

"But how-you died but 50 years ago"  he looked puzzled as he pulled me to him and inhaled deeply. 

My vision was spotted as I struggled to breath his hand flexed and I felt myself slipping into the darkness. 

Was this how I was going to die?


"Your awake" 

That voice like silk, against my will my eyes snapped open and I looked over at the man who had once had his hand at my throat. I whimpered and stumbled away in fear. 

His eyes watched my every movement. So crimson like deep pools of blood. A shiver raced through me. 

Looking around the worn down Castle cob webs scattered and spiders crawled. I felt another shiver race up my spin as I peeked at the cloth that had covered me. It wasn't dingy as I had thought. 

"You are not her" 

I looked into his eyes held captive. 

"Just who are you girl" He demanded as he flexed his fingers. I recalled his vice like grip at my throat. 

I touched my neck and tried to find my voice. "Kagome" 

He raised a raven brow to me. 

"I'm Kagome" 

Shifting his moves graceful and a sudden blur I gasped when he appeared before me kneeling his fingers grasping my chin holding my head up to peer into my eyes. "Kagome" he tested it as he inhaled again. "Yet you resemble her" 

I flushed and felt my anger boil. "I'm not Kikyo" I screamed in anger. So much anger that had been filling me, all these weeks hearing it tears of anger filled my eyes. "I'm Kagome. I'm nothing like her" 

His face didn't change but he gave a unsettling chuckle. "Your right you aren't like her" he stated as he traced a thumb over my bottom lip. "You allow your emotions to play across your face and in your eyes" 

Shivering at his touch I gave a whimper. "What-what are you-" 

"But how is it you look like her" he mused as he leap away from my hand his eyes locked onto the glow at my palm. 

I gasped in shock as I felt the pure light in my hand radiate and cleanse the air around me. "What-how is this" I held my hand up and closed my hand the light went away. 

"Spiritual powers. I see" he mused. "You must be her reincarnation I have heard so much about" 

"Wait-what was that" I demanded with alarm. 

His head cocked to the side as he watched me panic. "You don't know do you" 

"Know what" I grasped my head. "I don't understand. All I want is to go back home" I whispered with the tears streaming down my cheeks. 

He stood and combed his hair back and opened the sliding door. Revealing a empty and desolate court yard. He glanced back at me with narrowed eyes. "Your a priestess of course" 

I shook my head. "No-no I'm not-my family-all we do is look after a Shrine" I whispered. Did this mean that everything Grandpa use to ramble about was true? "I-I'm just a High schooler" 

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