His Little Bird : Part 2

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: Kagome X Naraku

"I don't want you to go" I stated firmly as I peered up at him. 

He touched the top of my head. "It is something we can not avoid" 

"Naraku" I plead as I grasped his hand between mine. "I don't want you to leave me" 

He gave a sigh. "But I'm not leaving you Kagome" I felt the tears prickle. 

"I need you" I whispered in a pained voice. 

I knew that if he left something bad was going to happen. That if he left he would not return. I sensed them. They were close, InuYasha and Kikyo were near. And once he had picked up on it he was hell bent on leaving. 


Pulling his hand free he stepped away. "I must become stronger" he looked out into the sky his fists clenched. "I will become stronger" he opened his palm and the darkened jewel glittered in his palm almost half of it was there. With it his eyes became darker. And the man I once knew three years ago seemed to disappear before me. "I will destroy Kikyo once and for all" 

I shuddered and cowered away from him with tears running down my cheeks. "If that is what you wish-will you kill me as well?" I asked in fear. 

He blinked in shock. "Kagome" 

"I hold her soul within me, together it makes me who I am" I whispered. "Do you also wish me dead?" I felt my body tremble. "You said-you would never-hurt me" I stuttered. 

I turned and attempted to flee. I gasped when arms locked around my waist holding me still his arms tightened as I felt his nose against my ear. "I could never hurt you" 

The tears ran freely as my knees trembled. "But you will" I whispered in realization. "If you want her gone completely-that would mean-would mean that I would have to die as well" He spun me around and cupped my cheek. 

So tender, so gentle. But the strength his hands held I knew he could fling me across the castle like a rag doll, or throw me into the sky and watch me fall. All terrible thoughts but all came rushing me till he brushed his lips to mine I felt his hand touch my lower belly. 

"I could never hurt you Kagome. You or our young" 

I blinked in shock at his words. My eyes locked onto my belly were his hand was spread out. "Our-young" 

He nodded and held me in his arms tightly. "If either of them find out about you carrying my young. They will come for the castle" 

"I'm-I'm pregnant" I whispered in shock. 

Up till now, I had assumed I could not have any. It had been three years sense that day in the cave were he had showed me just what he meant by making me his. 

He creased my cheek wiping away my tears. 

"Yes" He whispered. "It has finally happened, after years." he spoke softly his eyes tender. "After years of trying your wish is coming true" 

I felt a smile touch my lips and my fear slip away as I wrapped my arms around my belly and peered up at him . "I will wait for you" 

He traced my bottom lip. "I know" 

Blushing he brushed his lips against my forehead. "come back to me" I whispered softly when he stepped back. 

"I always come back" he promised . 


Something was wrong. As I stood there looking up into the sky my blood ran cold. I watched the protective barrier of his melt away in a ripple. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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