Little ones

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:Kagome X Sesshomaru 

Part 3 of Trust me 

"Mama!" Akura squealed his thick black hair bouncing as he ran to me. His golden eyes sparkling as his sister Asuna charged behind him.

Unlike her brother who took after me she looked like her father with silver hair and golden eyes and adorable little ears that where ever flickering and twitching as she listened.

"Help!" Akura threw his weight at me and was in my arms with a graceful leap .

Catching him I laughed as Asuna growled and waved her fist at him.

"Not fair!" she let out. "You promised not to run to mother"

"Asuna why are you chasing your brother?" I sighed as I sank down to her level and gave an amused smile as Akura poked his tongue out at her earning a growl.

My ever feral daughter huffed and crossed her arms.

"He said daddy isnt coming home today. I told him I heard him and know hes gonna be here. He said that my ears are so big I could probably hear Miyoga the flea from yards away" she huffed.

"Akura you know better then to mock your sister"I scolded him and he gave a small pout. "And Asuna you know very well your ears are the perfect size for you" I ruffled her silver hair and playfully scratched her ear earning a throaty sigh and head tilt into my scratch.

I smirked to myself at how much like a dog their traits followed. A second went by before she batted at my hand and scowled much like her father would and smirked.

"Well he deserved it" she grumbled head strong as always.

"You are giving your mother unnecessary stress" Sesshomaru cool voice touched my ears and I squealed and threw myself into his waiting arms my face nuzzled into his neck earning groans from the twins as Akura pushed from me and landed gracefully as I hugged my mate closer.

"Oh I missed you" I breathed my body melting as his arms wrapped around me holding me to him.

"Woman" he hummed in a low voice his lips brushed my ear. "Akura, Asuna"

"Welcome home father" they said in union as I sank to my feet still nestled in his side as he smiled softly at the twins.

"I hope you havent been a handful" he gave them a look and they quickly shook their head.

"We've been very good" Akura stated. "I help every day with dinner"

"And I always help with a-un" Asuna stated with a smug grin. 

"I do not wish to see you giving your mother such a hard time as I just witnessed" He stated in a stern voice before sinking down to one knee becoming eye level with the children and opened his arms. Running to him they threw themselves into his waiting arms and snuggled close. 

"We promise" they stated in Union as he held them close but his eyes locked on mine.

I felt a surge of warmth fill me and I smiled at the sight before me as he creased the backs of our son and daughter. He kissed Asuna's forehead and ruffled Akira's hair.

"I missed you both very much" they melted at this and clung tightly to his sides.

"I have been listening every day"Asuna stated gripping ever so tightly her nails digging in.

Out of the two she had a deeper bond with Sesshomaru and missed him when he did go on his adventures. While Akura did miss him he did favor me over his father. I sighed and pushed my bangs away.

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