Mistress of the Castle

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:Kagome X Naraku 

Naraku watched me from were he was seated eyes narrowed his long black curls around his shoulders fell down to his waist. He shifted slightly to face me. 

Glaring I struggled against my bonds feeling the chafe of the cord around my wrists mar my skin, panting I screamed but it was muffled by the material over my mouth. 

He gave me an amused chuckled as he stood and walked towards me his heavy demonic aura was like a weight blanket over me if not for my spiritual powers I would be rendered motionless as he stopped and leaned over me his thick hair like curtains as he ran his nail across my cheek I gave a whimper. 

"Kikyo but not Kikyo" he mused as he walked around me I felt him lift a strand of hair to his nose and inhaled. "You even smell different." he grabbed my wrists and jerked me up to my feet I stiffened when I felt his nose against my neck and his free hand tracing up my side and tease the curve of my breast. "Even curvier then she" 

Tears stung my eyes as he chuckled and released my hands to turn me to face him I stumbled my shoe catching and I felt it break and I tumbled into his bare chest. 

The clean scent of him shocked me. The heavy scent of sandal wood and rain filled my lungs as he straightened me holding my chin between his fingers his eyes scanning my face. 

He gave a chuckle as he pulled the material from my face, coughing I licked my lips and glared. 

"InuYasha will find me" 

He chuckled. "Do you really think the half breed could?" He raised a brow at me. 

I felt dread fill me. 

"Without you, he is blind" He gripped my chin tightly and grinned. "Without you he will never come close" 

"Your-your wrong" I stuttered. 

"Oh is that so" he dropped his hand and moved away and walked away. I watched closely struggling with my wrists and winced as it bit harder into my skin. He spread his arms wide. "Even now you are powerless" 

His voice purred and I looked away. I had never been this close to him I felt my heart racing as he walked closer. He was graceful, handsome, his voice like honey unlike the rash tone InuYasha's always carried. 

"And all this time that part of me yearned for her" he mused. 

"I am not Kikyo" I hissed as he stopped in front of me. I glared darkly at him. 

"No, you are not she" he agreed. "A fool would think you as she. The cold hearted wench" he stated coldly. "After all she did try to seal InuYasha to a tree instead of ending it all" 

I stiffened. "I-" 

He grasped my chin again and stepped closer his lean body towering over me. "You even smell different, your voice so soft compared to hers" he continued his musing. "Your curves" his hand ghosted down my side and grasping my hip. "You dress like-" he paused searching for a word. 

Blushing I glared back at him attempting to ignore his hand on my hip how warm his touch felt as he stroked I shuddered as he brushed the skin that peeked out from under my shirt his eyes flickered down almost hungry as he gave a chuckle. 


His eyes flickered to mine blood red, like crimson as they ran over me. "You are a delicious little wench though" I whimpered when he grasped a lock of hair and held it to his nose. 

"Why are you doing this" 

Naraku moved away and went back to his lounge and sat gracefully his eyes locked on me. "Simply because I can" 

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