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:Kagome X InuYasha

Walking past InuYasha I gasped when he caught me around the waist and his lips found mine. I was shocked frozen till he shifted me and pulled me into his arms. I melted. 

Finally-I felt his embrace. My arms wrapped around his neck as he held me tightly to him. "Kagome" 

Shivering at my name in his husky voice I blushed. "Inu-InuYasha" I stuttered out feeling my heart race. 

His ears twitched. "Your nervous" he hummed. 

Blushing I nodded. "You-You've never-" I groaned. I was making a fool of myself. Get ahold of yourself girl. I scolded myself. The man of your dreams finally kisses you and you cant say a word? 

He stroked my cheek and tilted my head more to his and kissed me again I shuddered as his tongue flicked over my lips. "Kagome" he whispered softly as he lifted me up I gasped in shock as he leap into the air with a bound and carried me away. 

The wind rushed by us till he stopped and put me down. I blinked and glanced around. "Where are we?" 

"We've been on the move a lot-sense you've come back" he let out softly. 

Nodding I glanced at him. "Yea-but as long as your by my side I don't mind InuYasha" I answered truthfully. 

He gave me a smile and opened his arm. "I know, and I am thankful for this. But Kagome. You deserve to have one place to call home" he cradled me in his arms again. I felt treasured and protected in his hold. 

I swayed into his body and held my breath. "What-what are you saying?" 

"This is our home" he stated softly. "We can travel when we wish but-this will always be our home" 

I felt tears weld up and trickle down my cheeks. 

"Hey-why the tears?" he brushed one away. 

I smiled through the tears. "I'm-I'm just so great full" I stuttered as he brushed away the tears. 

He leaned in and put his forehead to mine. "So your crying?" he gave a soft sigh. "I didn't mean to make you cry" 

I shook my head. "It's nothing bad, honest" 


I looked around and stepped away. "When did you find this?" I looked around the modest hut and glanced back at him. 

"I uh-" he looked away while blushing. "Miroku helped me built this area" 

I froze. "you-you made this?" I gasped. 

He nodded. 

Walking back to him I leaned up and kissed his cheek. "Thank you" 

He tilted his head and his lips met mine. "For you it was worth it" he whispered softly. "I know-I haven't been easy to deal with sense Kikyo died" he stated as he looked deep into my eyes. "I know I have made you wait a long time for me, I know you told me that you would wait till I was ready" 

I nodded slowly. "InuYasha" 

"I'm ready to move on with my life Kagome-and I want you in it. Beside me" He stated as he cupped my cheek. "Kagome, will you accept me?" 

Nodding quickly I threw my arms around his neck and held tightly my face tucked into his hair, "Yes" 

His arms locked around me I shivered when he spun me around before lifting me slightly I blinked in shock with wide eyes. "You have no idea how greatful I am" he grinned up at me. 

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