The heat

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: Kagome x Sesshomaru 

"Sesshomaru" I squeaked out in a level voice. Or attempted to in the very least. 

Cold topaz eyes locked onto me and his lips curled as a snarl filled the air. His eyes glowed a crimson luster. This was not the usually calm and collected demon I knew.

My heart raced like a hummingbirds wings as I shifted closer to him. I needed to attempt to calm him down. He almost looked feral . But even then there was that other worldly beauty to him that made my heart ache.  I knew of his detesting to humans and demons together looking down on those who did chose that life, he was a pureblooded demon. I knew from the moment he had found me alone and had taken me in I was nothing more then a companion to him to trail with him.

"Its just me" my voice was soothing as I held out one hand to him. 

Suddenly he was gone and my back was up against the cold stone wall his body trapping mine there. A startled gasp slipped from my lips. 

He was so close. The smell of his fur and the musky hint of male filled my lungs. All I could feel was his body against mine, my soft curves molding to his in a sinful way. 

A soft growl rumbled through him as his nose traced up my neck sending a shiver through me my breath caught. 

His two hands tracing up my sides and down till they reached the curve of my hips and jerked mine into his. My body lit on fire as he pushed a knee between mine pushing me up the wall braced by his body his hips holding mine in place the curves of my hips welcome his and I felt the bulge between his thighs grind into me. 

A whimper filled my lungs but it wasnt from fear. Hormones all over the place suddenly I was pawing at him my fingers tugging at his kimono craving the feel of hot flesh against flesh. 

His slick tongue traced up my neck and a shudder raced through me my head tilted offering itself to him easily. 

Another wave of raw lust rushed through me as the tearing of fabric filled the air the cool air hit my exposed skin and I gasped. 

His eyes locked onto my exposed pale skin and one hand traced up my toned stomach and danced over the swell of my breast, his thumb traced the bud of my nipple sending tingles through me heat pooled between my thighs and I swear my body was pulsing. 

Another whimper followed as his other hand worked the twin glob of my breast his hand gentle kneading softly twisting and pulling at my nipples till I was withering against the wall my back arched in a impossible way to meet his creases.

With blinding speed I barley had time to register when he switched and suddenly my back was against the mat of my make shift bed his body leaned over mine  hips pressed into mine my thighs parted for him welcoming the weight of his body I moaned in bliss feeling his settle and thrust against me. 

"Clothes" I pulled at his to no avail and blinked in shock at one simple pull his kimono slipped open and his alabaster skin was revealed. My fingers danced along his back sending shudders through him and his pants fell away revealing the swell of his bulge . My throat tightened and my heart quickened with anticipation. 

He was large, and as my thoughts ran wild I trembled as I realized then I was willingly giving up my virginity to him as he pressed his hips to mine. The brush of his member against my sensitive skin pulled a gasp from me and I shuddered as the satin feel of his skin slipped further past the silken  lips of my woman hood. 

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