I am the Mistress

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: Kagome X Naraku 

Part 2 

"Mistress" I eyed the servant who had came in with a new kimono and shuffled to me. "I have come to dress you" she stated softly. 

"Very well" I let out as I watched with mild intrest as the other beside her began to pore my tea. 

Naraku had not been lying when he said I would be the Mistress of this Castle. With his web of lies these humans had believed it to always be here as for I and he. When he did chose to make his pressance known. I shivered as I recalled how startling it was to see how easily he could hid his demonic aura. 

"The Lord of the Castle would like you to join him after tea" 

Blinking in shock I looked at the one poring the tea. "he is back?" 

"He has been here sense last night Mistress" she was a small thing with thin black hair Shiri bowed and left the room as the other finished dressing me. 

So I hadn't dreamed it. I thought to myself as she left and I made my way to my tea and sank down to enjoy my simple breakfast in no rush. 

I hadn't a clue what to say to the man. He came and went as he pleased it had already been eigth months sense he brought me here, the words between us few and in between he spent a good portion  just watching me. I had grown use to it when I realized he was true to his word. He did not see Kikyo in me. And a part of me was grateful. 

"Becoming the Mistress of this Castle has become you" 

Blinking I looked up and met his crimson gaze. "Naraku"

I eyed the thick white pelt he had throw over his shoulder. A new look I mused as I drank the sight of him in, it was ever changing. 

"I had not expected you t-"

"We both know that is a lie" he hummed as he walked towards me and took my cup from me he put it down and grabbed my wrist and pulled me up against him. "You felt me last night as you laid there" he chuckled. "Yet you laid as stiff as the dead, unmoving" he mused. 

Blushing I looked at him from under my lashes. "I did no such thing" 

He growled and I felt his hand at my throat. A thrill raced through me. I knew how much he hated when I lied to him. "Kagome" 

Shivering I sucked in a sharp breath as his hand tightened slightly before slipping into my hair and bringing his lips to mine  softly and lifted me from my feet his heated hands gripping me to him as his lips plundered mine, and I gave in, my body answering to his, my fingers curling into his hair holding him there as I moaned softly into his lips. I had grown to miss his presense as I latched onto him craving his warmth and touch as his hand ran up my back and down my spine till he grasped my bottom and squeezed before lifting his head up his eyes glowing as he stroked my backside. 

"You shouldn't lie to me" 

Shivering I licked my lips. "It was only a small one" 

He gave a chuckle and let me down to my feet his nails tracing my cheek. 

"I thought I was to join you after I finished tea" 

He raised a brow. "And you would not keep me waiting longer?" 

Blushing I held back a grin and looked down breifly. "May be" 

His chuckle stired my blood as he tilted my chin up. "I came to check in on you" He let out smoothly. "Tell me has the barrier held?"

"Of course" I shrugged. "Nothing comes in besides what is here, or human" I stated softly. 

"And you have not tried to run" 

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