Meant to Be?

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I felt the knife in my heart. His words a whimper in his sleep as he rolled over and pulled me into his chest holding tightly to were his nails bit into my kimono but didn't pierce my skin. 

"Kikyo" He let out still asleep calling out to her I felt hot tears run down my cheeks as he nuzzled into my body for comfort for a woman who was dead. 

Years had past and yet still she hung over us like a grey cloud. 

My tears fell silently as he relaxed into me and fell into a hard sleep his ears twitching till he rolled away from me sprawled in the other direction. 

Watching for a moment I pulled myself up and slipped out of the hut and walked down the long path to the lake and sat at the end of the dock watching as the sun came up, the birds chirping and singing their songs the odd fish leaping from the water creating ripples. 

Hugging my knees I sighed heavily. 

That woman was on his mind a lot these past months. I hadn't told him of the dreams, or how he called to her frequently. 

I was Kagome. Not Kikyo, and the part that loved him died a little each time he called to her. 

"Kagome" Blinking I sniffed and rubbed away my tears before looking up into curious topaz eyes. He flopped down beside me. "What you doing out here?" He sniffled the air. "Its to early" 

Shrugging I looked away. "I couldn't sleep, I'm not tired" 

"Was I snoring again?" He asked. 

I held my breath about to say yes but the words that came out shocked even myself. "No, you called me Kikyo"

He stiffened. "I- I didn't-" 

"You did" I hugged my knees closer. "More then once," I whispered. "You pulled me closer and called for Kikyo" 

"Kagome-" he went to touch me and I jerked away. 

"Not now InuYasha" 

"Hey it was an accident" he let out with a frustrated sigh. 

"You've been doing it a lot these past months" I stated stiffly. 

His eyes widened. "Kagome-"

"I don't think this is going to work anymore for me InuYasha" 


"You told me you were over her, and ready to start a life with me. For me, not because of who I am a reincarnation of. Or who I remind you of" I whispered out. "I can't be second place to her anymore" 

His ears flattened. "Your not" 

"I am" I stated. "I probably will always be in her shadows with you" I looked at the sun. "Maybe I was brought back for a second chance between you and her, but-I don't deserve this. I want to be someone's world" 

"So what will you do?" He demanded. 

"I'm going to stay here, I helped make this place." I stood up and glanced down at him into those familiar eyes I had once loved. "We both know you didn't like the idea of settling from the start. You should go. Do things. But-I wont be -" I took a deep breath. "this is goodbye" I started to walk away but was stopped when he grabbed my wrist. 

"We cant just walk away from each other Kagome it was meant to be" 

"It may have been 60 years ago InuYasha but that time has come to an end. I don't care what fate had planned I just know if I keep doing this I will loose myself" I shook my head. "Because it is like a hot knife in my chest every time you call me Kikyo, and life fire to my skin when you hold me in a way that is only for Kikyo" I pulled away. 

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