Do you Still Trust me ?

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Part 2 of Trust me

--2 years later--


I groaned softly and stretched as I walked into the bedroom. "Sesshomaru "

"What is it" he sat up straight and met my eyes. "woman what-" 

I walked towards him and combed his bangs back. "Breath" I soothed. "everything is fine" I dropped down onto his lap and touched my forehead to his. "You told me to wake you remember?"

He sighed and brushed his lips against mine. "Yes your right" he commented. "How are you feeling?"

"A little better still feeling uneasy when I tried to eat the fish" I grumbled. "but I held down the rice"

"That is good" he rubbed my side. "we will have to make a trip to a doctor to have you checked over" he stated with a worried tone. 


"Do you trust me?" He whispered. 

Still three years later he asked me the same thing. "Of course" I didn't miss a beat telling him. 

"I think" he paused. "its wise to go soon" he whispered his eyes filled with worried. A worried Sesshomaru something I barley saw in all my time with him other then the one time I'd followed him out back into the world and almost got used against him. 

"Hey" I soothed and bumped my nose against his softly. "Everything should be okay"

"Your not eating right" he retorted in a serious voice. "Or sleeping well" he added after a moment of thinking. "As well as not using your powers the way your use to. Something is wrong, something is not right and we will get it checked out right away" he pulled me against him and nuzzled my neck. "I will not loose you Kagome" 

Sighing I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes. He had a point but a part of me wanted to ignore it all and not worry about it. But a part of me was frightened about what was happening to me. "Kaede will know" I whispered out. "We must go to her village." 

Kissing the pulse in my neck he sighed softly. "Yes we will" lifting his head he met my eyes. "Go pack a bag and ready for the trip" 

Nodding he released me but I'd yet to let go of him. 


I pressed my lips against his. I wasn't ready to admit something was wrong. And whatever it was it wasn't allowing me to use my spiritual powers to the full extent. In the middle of a heated battle I was almost attacked and while attempting to protect myself a bow did not form or a arrow I'd barley got out of the way and Sesshomaru was right there to protect me and end it quickly. But after that the trip was cut short and he had rushed us back here where he's kept me hidden. And I knew it worried him about it.. 

I could use a bow and arrow but when I tried to condense the spiritual pressure to my palms it didn't happen. "Please woman" 

Giving a sigh I let my arms drop and I nodded. "Yes" 

After gathering what I needed I slipped the bag over my shoulder and came into the sitting room where he was. 

"All done" 

Sitting up easily he jumped to his feet and walked towards me his hand cupping my cheek as he paused. "Lets be on our way then" 

"We can bring Rin a new kimono I bet she's almost grown out of the one she has now" I remarked in hopes to shift his thoughts to something else. 

"Yes your right it is about that time for a new one" he hummed and walked along with me. "You will ride a-un" 

"I can walk just fine" 

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