Chapter one

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As I walked along the forest path I could feel the snow crunching under my feet, the smell of the winter air filled my nostrils. Normally I would have stopped at the wooden bench and then went home but this time sometime was making me walk deeper and deeper into the forest. There were small prints in the snow where the birds had hopped along, as I got further into the forest the frozen leaves started crumbling under my weight. 

I don’t really have any sense of miles but I must have walked about two miles before I came to a stop, at the edge of a completely frozen, vast lake. I thought I could hear foot prints behind me but when I looked no one was there so I put it to the back of my mind and started to walk around the edge of the lake. After I had walked half way around I could hear the foot prints again but before I even had the chance to look something hard hit me in the back of the head. As I feel to the ground someone picked me up and started pushing me towards the lake.

“NO! PLEASE NO!” I screamed with all my power. I started kicking and punching the stranger to see if they would let me go so I had a small chance to escape.

I started to get tired out but that was a mistake. They picked me up and threw me onto the icy surface of the lake. As I made contact with the ice I heard a smash, but when I opened my eyes I was just led on the ice. While I attempted to make my way to the edge of the lake the stranger was just stood there watching me, I couldn’t see their face because they were wearing a ski mask and everyone wore those in the winter. This is Alaska after all……

I was almost to the edge of the lake when I heard the cracking sound. I risked looking behind me and I could see the ice around me was starting to crack. I made it about another inch towards the edge before the ice gave way and I made contact with the way below freezing water. 

The hypothermia immediately started to set in. Even if I made it out of the water I would still die before I made it back to the town. But I swam up and up until I was at the top…… I was almost the gap where I had fallen in but I could feel my limbs freezing…. I no longer had any feeling in my body and as I looked up the stranger was standing there looking down at me and just as they took their mask off everything went completely black and I could feel my heart beat starting to slow. 



Seventeen year old, Bethany Parker was reported missing last night after she did not come home after apparently going for a walk. If you have any information on her whereabouts please call your local police department. 

I just read the sign over and over again. I cannot believe it, Beth has gone missing…….. I couldn’t help but worry about her. Yeah I knew her but we weren’t the best of friends but who wouldn’t worry if someone they knew went missing. 

“Poppy hurry up we will be late for school and I cannot risk getting another detention”

“I’m coming”

As I got into the car Chloe immediately starting gossiping about Beth’s disappearance.

“So you have seen the sign then”

“Yeah poor Beth. Imagine what her parents are going through”

“Everyone thinks she has been murdered”

“Chloe don’t think like that”

“Oh come on Poppy. It is like a horror movie cliché. A teenage girl goes for a walk in the forest in the coldest weather we have had this winter. And then she goes missing. You tell me if that is not a coincidence”

“Just have some respect ok”

“Just saying Poppy”

It was exactly the same when we pulled up outside of our high school.

I could hear the whispers…… ‘hey did you hear, Beth Parker has gone missing’ ‘ I bet she was murdered’. 

Have these people got no respect. A student from the same school as us has gone missing and if she has been killed what is there to say that one of us isn’t next on the killers list. I just feel sorry for Beth’s parents. Me and Chloe did our usual daily routine of going to the ladies room to touch up our make up and then we headed to home room where they told us all of the things that we had already seen or heard. 

“Now everyone we don’t want to alarm you. But last night your class mate Bethany Parker was reported missing and we just ask that you respect her and her parents and if you have any information you should go to the local police station and tell them about it ok”

And then everyone just sat there and started gossiping about it all over again. It is funny really because if it was them that went missing they would want everyone to be sick with worry and they also would not want people betting five bucks that they are dead. 

Ohh well we can’t always get what we want can we.

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