Chapter twelve

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Andrews POV

I pushed Mary into the living room and ran back up the stairs into Poppy's room and what I saw made tears stream down my face. She had chloe by the hair and she was lifting her up in the air and you could see Chloe's hair slowly start to give way.

"Poppy put her down now!"

She looked at me and her eyes looked blacker than before and her teeth we stained a dark yellow..... her finger nails were all rotten and they started falling off. She dropped Chloe to the floor and as she ran out of the room Poppy started to run at me and I dodged her and pinned her to the wall.

"Let go off me vermin!" She kept shouting it.... it was not her voice.. she sounded like a very angry male.

"I am sorry Poppy but this is for your own good....." I pulled the needle out of my pocket and stabbed it into her neck.... she screamed in pain and then she went limp.

Just as she fell to the floor Chloe and Mary came running up the stairs,,,,, "Andrew what did you do to her?"

"Don't worry Chloe I only injected her with a strong sedative....... I am putting a webcam on the sheld so we can see when she is awake. It is the only way to stay safe now."

I placed the camera on the shelf and as we walked I closed the door and locked it with the biggest padlock I could find in the house. I then walked into the living room to see Mary comforting Chloe telling her not to be scared and that she is safe.

"Chloe do you want to talk about it?"

"Yeah. Thanks Andrew."

What she told us in the next two hours made me feel sick with worry and fear.

"I heard her coming up behind me so I tried to turn around to reason with her but she just grabbed my hair and three me at the wall. She dragged me into her room by my hair and then just hung me by the hair. She kept shouting at me. Calling me a lying bitch. We need help Andrew because me you and Mary cannot do this alone."

"But Chloe no one else will believe us."

"We will talk to the local priest..."

"What if he doesn't believe us?"

"If he doesn't believe us then we will have to risk taking Poppy to him so he will have no choice but to help us."

"Chloe what secret are you keeping from us?"

"I know who chased me out of the hut."

"Who?" It was Mary who spoke this time.

"Poppy did. She kept shouting at me 'no one can know'. Mary I am sorry but I think Poppy killed Beth and I know I can't prove it yet but what is really confusing me is why she is trying to find herself as the killer."

I decided to come into the conversation.

"But how would she have killed Gina?"

"I don't know. But I will go back to the country club today to find out. I am a member there anyway and I will have a look. The police cleared out of the there this morning. She didn't mean to kill people and she obviously was not in control of her body when it happened. See you guys later....."

"Be safe Chloe we will keep Poppy in there... we will out sedatives in the food we give her."


When she walked out of the door I just thought to myself 'what are we going to do and I hope to god that Poppy does not get out of her room'.....


Chloe's POV

When I got to the country club everyone just kept saying to me 'it's good to see you'

If only they knew why I was here.

I just sat in the middle of the lobby and just stared at the spot where Gina was shot and I just thought about how Poppy could have killed her....

If Poppy had shot her directly then she would have been seen.... unless there is someone else involved.

I walked around the edge of the room and just casually looked in every small space and corner for any clues. I had to look normal while looking otherwise everyone would get suspicious.

Unfortunately I didn't find anything so I sat back down and looked at the bar.

The top of the of the bar looked weirdly dusty considering it gets cleaned three times a day. This is a five star country club after all.

As my suspicions grew the hours kept slipping by and just as the bar staff cashed out and left I dragged a stool to the bar and climbed up.

What I found there nearly made me fall to the floor in shock and disbelief.

There was a pistol there attached to a timer by a piece of string...... so when the timer hit the right point the gun would go off. I looked to the side and realized the gun points to the exact place where Gina was sat before she was killed. She did it.... Poppy is the killer. But why?


When I got back to the house I took the gun out of my purse and slammed it down in the table in front of Andrew.. Mary was the one who spoke first.

"Oh my god! Chloe where did you get this?"

"I found it on top of the bar in the lobby. I would explain how it worked but I think you get the idea."

"Oh Poppy what have you done....."

"No this was not Poppy this is someone else. Someone that has managed to get inside of her."

"I just wasn't Poppy back."

"We all want her back Mary but we have to call the priest ok."

"I'll get the phone.........." But she paused.

"Doesn't that mean Poppy killed that little girl eight years ago."

"Mary all the evidence points to her."

"So my own daughter tried to kill me! She pushed me In front of the car just as I was about to bring down the killer. Was that thing always in Poppy?"

"No that is why we need to talk to that thing again and find out whatever we can. But do not let Poppy get within two feet of you. Mary get the priest over here....."

"Ok." She walked into the living room and called the priest. She just said something is wrong with Poppy and that a doctor can't help. After ten minutes she walked back into the kitchen.

"He will be over in half an hour."

And with that Andrew came down the stairs....

"Guys we has ran out of sedatives.... she is awake." I then felt sick with fear.

"Keep her in there. The priest is on his way........ there are more sedatives in my purse I picked some up on the way home. We need to make them last for at least a week so she gets one in the morning and one at night."

"But that means she will be awake half the day."

"I know but we need to try to bring Poppy back and that will not be possible without her awake...."

Both of them knew I was right.

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