Chapter fifteen

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When we crossed the border into the states I took a very deep breath. At school the places Andrew always talked about were vegas and los angeles.... so I guess we know where to look first. We do not have the patience to keep driving up and down the country so we will get a plan to each place.

We went to the first airport we saw, parked the car there and paid for the tickets for the earliest flight to Las Vegas Nevada. We had to wait for like four hours just to get on the plane as it was delayed, everyone else went to sleep during the journey but I didn't...... I just kept trying to find a reason for what Andrew did. But in reality I won't get a reason unless I find him.

He completely fooled me. I got him out of prison....... he is a killer and he could end up never being punished because of me and I really do not want that shadow of guilty over me for the rest of my life. Andrew is the one that feel that kind of guilt.

There is still one thing I do not understand.... I shook my mom until she woke up.


"What is it......"

"There is one thing I still don't understand."

"Which is?"

"All of those people that were found dead. Was that me?"

"No they were in on it aswell. Their necks were snapped from the front not the back. Someone else helped them to do it. You are not responsible for any of this."

"But why us?"

"We all want to know the answer to that question. Get some sleep Poppy we will be landing soon and you haven't slept for two days."

I know I should get some sleep but I just can't, mostly because thoughts keep going through my mind. All of those unanswered questions........


When I got off the plane is Vegas it took me a moment to adjust to the heat.......

"Well at least we get to say we went to Vegas....."

"Chloe now is not the time for jokes."

"Just try to relax a little."

"I can't unless Andrew is caught."

"Poppy they have police all over the country looking for him and they have them looking back in Alaska as well."

"Guys can you just stop telling me to relax. Someone we have known for ages is a killer and you guys are telling me to relax!"

"Poppy calm down. We are doing the best we can so just give us a break."

"Don't you think I know that mom!"

Before she could say anything else I just walked away and sat on a bench outside of the air port. They didn't sit on the bench with me but they just stood next to it until our hire car was delivered.

We got into the car and as we drove down the strip... past all the casino's I thought I saw Andrew about a billion times but it just turned out to be a complete stranger. I might have called it paranoia but I just call it plain fear that one of my friends could be waiting for the right time to kill me.


Andrew's POV

I know what I did was wrong but I just cannot let her know the reason why I did it. If my plan had gone through then she would be taken away from that horrible person. The one person she thinks she can always rely on..... that person is keeping a bigger secret from her, a secret that will destroy her life. Well that's if she finds out that is.

I guess now is the time to put my back up plan into action. I put the key into the door and stepped into the motel room. I walked over to the table that had the TV on it and I placed the note in the tope of the fruit bowl that didn't even contain real fruit. I turned around and looked at the clock and it said that it was around 5am..... before I go out the door I turn around once more just to see if Poppy was still sleeping... that I hadn't woken up. For her own good.... I hope she finds that note.

The note didn't say anything bad.. or anything good. It was just to tell her that I never meant to hurt her or anyone...... it also explains that in the next few days she will be led to the truth that she has been looking for. She will find out why I killed Beth..... why I made her try and kill Chloe.... Why I drugged her and made her do all of those awful things. But in the mean time I feel like causing more trouble... I only have a few more days of freedom afterall.

I stand near the motel sign and just wait..... at around 8am I see a fairly pretty girl walking down the street. After she had gotten a certain distance I started walking behind her and after about ten meters she turned down an alleywas and I just thought to myself "sometimes they just make it to easy". I pull out my knife and grab the girls hair and whisper to her....... "You should have been a bit more careful." 

She did not get a chance to scream.

And then that burning feeling of guilt burst out of me...... it is just so ruthless and uncontrolable.

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