Chapter three

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“What do you want to talk to us about…. Wait what is your name again?”

“Sorry my name is Poppy. And I want to talk to you about Beth”

“What about her?”

“Don’t worry it is nothing bad, I am just confused about all the information about her death.”

“So are we. You better come in then.”

I walked into their house and it was surprisingly posh looking. Beth’s mother walked into the kitchen and got her husband.

“So Poppy I think we should all talk in the study”

The study was more like a library considering that it is huge.

“So Poppy my wife tells me that you have some thing you want to know?”

“Yes Mr Parker. Do you two know why Beth went that far into the woods?”

“No we have been wondering that.”

“The thing that is wrong with the whole thing is the way she was killed. It kind of shows that she was not killed by someone that has thought about it.”

“So your saying that someone she knew killed her.”

“That is my theory but I am trying to find a way to prove it though.”

“We will help. We just want to know who killed our daughter and why they did it.”

“Thank you Mrs Parker and I will find the truth.”

“Please call us Pamela and Mark”

“We have to keep this quiet though because if the police find out they won’t like it.”

“Ok. Is there anything else you will need?”

“Did Beth keep a diary or a journal. It could tell us something important.”

“Ok but it would be best if you came over here each day so Beth’s stuff won’t leave the house.”

“Yes of course I totally understand. I better go now but thank you for your help.”

“No thank you Poppy”

An hour later I was already sat in my room with notepads all around me. I was trying to do my homework (even though the school is still closed until further notice) and solve a murder all at the same time. I know what I am doing is risky but I have already said I would help them and I never ever go back on my word.

After I has finished my homework I went online and searched for the lake on Google maps. When it came up I noticed something very odd looking about fifty meters from the edge of the lake. Of course it wasn’t evidence because the Google maps are not that recent. It was a medium sized brown hut……… the only thing that kept going through my mind was ‘what if there is some key evidence in there or something’ but another part of me was saying that it is way too dangerous to even go near the lake let alone that hut. I looked at my clock, it is only 2pm and there is s good four hours until the sun starts to set so maybe I will have a small amount of time just to get a glimpse of that hut.

Like I had done the day before I drove the few miles to the lake and surprisingly the police were gone. I knew that I might have to make a quick get away so I reversed my car down the back road to the hut so if I did get into some kind of trouble I would be able to get away as fast as possible. 

While I got out of my car my hands were shaking as if I had just dipped them into the freezing water of the lake. I took a quick glance towards the lake and I could see the ten foot wide hole where Beth and gone in. I quickly got back my concentration and I took a step towards the hut…….. I grabbed the door handle and pulled it open. I was kind of pleasantly surprised at what I saw…. There was just three chairs and stove and a small fire place….. Nothing suspicious…. Well that was until I saw the door under the rug….. I yanked the rug across the floor and just as I thought there was a small door there that I suspected leaded down to a basement of some kind. 

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