Chapter fourteen

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Chloe's POV

I kind of feel sorry for Mary. She is convinced that Poppy is all better but she isn't... it is the thing inside her making people feel like she is better. We cannot let it play with our minds but at the moment it is killing Mary with guilt that she is unable to help her daughter when she is in danger. She must be going through hell, and so is Poppy (no pun intended).

"But can't we just check to see if it is Poppy."

"Mary she is not better yet..." Andrew has tried to make her see sense for the past two hours.

"But what if she is!" Ok now it is time for me to step in.

"Mary just listen! If Poppy was better don't you think she will be doing the things Poppy would normally do. That thing is not Poppy and it won't be until we can get some proper help."

I know it sounds harsh but I think it worked.

"Ok. Thanks Chloe, it's just I want her back."

"We all do Mary. Do not let it play with your weaknesses.... it's how it works."


We just sat around the kitchen table, occansionally making some small talk while waiting for Father Frank to arrive.

At around 2pm we heard a knock on the front door and a few seconds later Mary walked back into the kitchen with Father Frank closely walking behind her.

"Father Frank. Any news yet?"

"No. I am afraid the bishop was not available. I left him a voice mail and an email but he is a very busy man so it could be too late by the time he gets back to us."

Well that is the news none of us wanted to hear.

"Ok, Father Frank with all due respect I think we should keep trying."

"We can but I don't think it will make them get back to us any quicker."

"Ok. Thank you for your time Father Frank."

"No problem. There is something we can all do though. We can try and talk to the thing inside Poppy and draw it out by making Poppy remember things like family memories and stuff like that."

"Ok..... when shall we start."

"We give it a couple of hours. In the mean time we can try and contact people on this list I made. Sorry the list is a bit long."

"No it's fine...... come on guys."

Mary and Andrew looked up at me and then got up.

It took us the whole two hours to call every single person on the list that Father Frank had created for us. About three quarters of the people said no and the rest said that they need time to think about... thing is we may not be able to give them time to think about it. We are running out of time as it is.........

"Father Frank Poppy is at her worst at 6pm so I think we should hurry up with what needs to be done."

"Yes, I understand. Andrew get a sedative ready just in case."

I watched Andrew walk over to the kitchen cabinet and take out a vial full of a clear liquid. Once the needle was full he followed us up the stairs.

I didn't go into the room this time because I was generally terrified of her. She is my best friend but at the moment I have no idea who she is.... or what she is.


"Yes Andrew...."

"I know you are probably scared right now but she needs your support."

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