Chapter thirteen

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Father Frank's POV

In all my years of being a priest for this quiet city I have never heard of a case quite like this one. I know god would want me to help this family, so the whole way to the house I prayed to myself that there will be something I can do to help them. I know Mary from when she was investigating the murder of that poor eight year old girl...... at the time she didn't know that there could be something wrong with her daugher and neither did I but when the little girl was murdered i knew something was not right....... and once again I am getting that exact feeling. I can feel the reason why the city covered up that murder start to surface.... and it is going to have apocalyptic consequences.

Just as I pulled up at the house I saw Mary stood on the front lawn and I could tell by the look on her face that their situation was alot worse than she had let on. There was space for my car in the drive way but there is a chance that all of us or some of us need to make a quick escape. I got out of the car and greeted Mary even though I was just as scared as she must have been. 

"Hi Mary how are you?"

"I have been better Father Frank. How are you?"

"I am well thank you. Show me to her."

She led me into the house and two familiar looking teenagers were sat at the kitchen table.

"Hi Andrew. Hi Chloe how are you both?"

"We are ok Father Frank."

"That's good. Now I need all three of you to accompany me up to Poppy's room incase something goes wrong or if she tries to attack one of us. I need to know what we are dealing with before I can do anything about it."

"Ok. We have no idea if she is awake though."

"Trust me. If she has been posessed the devil will wake itself up as soon as someone holy walks into the room."

"Doesn't that make it more dangerous for you Father Frank?"

"Yes it does. However it is my god given duty to help others in need."

"And we are very grateful Father Frank. Thank you."

"Mary there is no need to thank me. I technically owe you anyway, I could have prevented that accident if i had realised what was wrong with Poppy and I swear to you I did not know it was Poppy who pushed you."

"I believe you and no one could have realised what was wrong with Poppy and you were never taught about posessions."

"The priest before me taught me about them but that was only after your accident. Also at that point I was still only his apprentice but even he did not know that Poppy was posessed. The problem is that she still entered into the church all those years ago so it proves that what we are dealing with is very strong. There is a chance that we might not be able to save Poppy Mary."

Instead of breaking down she just turned away and said "Do whatever you can to save her..... I know you will do the right thing Father Frank."

"I will. I promise."


I walked up the stairs and the other three followed close behind. I stood outside Poppy's room and just stared at the door before grabbing the handle. I pulledthe handle down and pushed open the door..... I stepped in and as soon as i was five feet away from her Poppy woke up and I knew that there was definately something wrong with her. Just like the others had described... Poppy had no finger nails... I could seen all rotten on the floor. Her teeth were stained dark yellow and her eyes were like two black holes....... she snarled at me with razor sharp teeth that could bite your arm off with one try.

"Poppy... my name is Father Frank. Do you remember me?"

"Get away from me vermin!" It was not her voice....... there is no doubt about it they were all right.

I looked away for a second to nod at Mary as if to I was confirming that her daughter is posessed by the devil. The next thing I knew I felt a warm breath on my neck, I turned around to see Poppy centimeters away from me. I saw her arm swoop up and just as she brought it down i ran towards the door and I made it out of the room in time for her to crash into the door frame to give us enough time to lock her back in there.

"Mary there is something seriously wrong with her. Yes you were right but whatever has gotten inside of her is much stronger than I thought. We will need more help but it will take a while to get that help."

"We will have to get it sooner then."

"Andrew will all due repect it is not that simple......"


"I shall be back tomorrow. In the mean time keep giving her sedatives..... and do not go into that room. Not even you Mary ok."

She just nodded in agreement.

"Father Frank just tell us one thing. How likely is it that we will save Poppy?"

"There is a 5% chance that we will be able to save her. I am sorry Andrew but I have to honest. I have never heard of a case this bad."

"Can't we find someone who has?"

"It is a possibility but I am afraid that most people will say they can't or won't help you."

"But there must be something we can do!"

"I wish I could do more for you..... I will see you all tomorrow. Have a safe night."

"We will try."

I walked out of the house, got into my car and just drove home. I feel a great sadness now, because I want to help this family but I will be risking my life in the process and I am happy to do that for someone in need but if I fail the whole city could be in daner because the thing that is inside of Poppy is an unstoppable force. Most people will just say 'well why don't you just kill her'. It is not that easy, if we kill Poppy the thing inside of her will find a different host. It will be an endless cycle unless we can kill the thing inside of her which can be done with an exorcism but carrying out an exorcism without permission can also have consequences. I can try to get permission but I will need proof of my claim and the last time the others tried to get proof Chloe was nearly killed............

Unless we find someone to carry out an exorcism that family will lose their daughter. I have never had to do an exorcism before and it can be dangerous if it goes wrong. 


Poppy's POV

My head hurts. I get up and walk to the bedroom door and when I tried to open it I realised it was locked from the outside. Confusion started to form in my head.....

The right side of my body is agont and I slightly lift my top to see what the problem is and I saw a big bruise from my hip up to my chest but I cannot remember how it got there.

My head feels as if I had been out on an all night booze party. Actually it feels like I spent the night smashing my head against the wall.

Why is the door locked anyway? And why did I wake up on the floor.... why is my room such a mess?!

I walk over to my bedside table and pick up my phone. I sent my mom a text asking why my bedroom door is locked. I waited an hour and I did not get a reply. I know they are all here... I can hear them down stairs. At this point I can feel myself getting angry... my whole body starts tingling and I look down at my bare arms to see my skin going a light shade of grey. I can feel a scream of fear forming in my lungs but I cannot let it out. My jaw is in agony...... everything hurts so much.... I look in the mirror and my eyes are gone. Two black holes... as if I am posessed. As soon as that thought comes into my head I drop to the floor and I started shouting things in a language that I don't understand.

And then everything goes black and something inside me changes.


Chloe's POV

Mary kept saying that she thinks Poppy is better now because she got a text from her. No, that thing can be manipulative... playing with your weaknesses........ just like Father Frank said. Listening to that thing will make it all worse.

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