Chapter ten

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Poppy's POV

I have so many questions I want to ask Chloe. But all I can do is stare at her to make sure she is not going to go away again...

"Poppy. You have been staring at me for ten minutes and it is creeping me out."


"Ok what is it?"

"How did you escape from the hut?""

"I hid in the last room, left clues, wrote the note and then climbed out."

"WHy did you go there alone?"

"Because I knew you would get captured aswell and one of us would not have made it out of that hut."

"What do you mean?"

"And soon as I climbed out the killer came bursting through the door.........."

"But if we both went we could have climbed out as you would not have written that note."

"But we still would have had to leave the city though. Then who would there have been to figure things out."

"I guess you have a point."

"Now stop worrying. i am back now.... the police will catch the killer now. There is no way this case can be covered up. It has gone global."

"I know. My mom said it had."

"She only wants the best for you."

"Oh god you are starting to sound like her now....."

"Only because I care about you all."

"And we know you do but I don't think that will help much when it comes to staying alive before the police find out who the killer is."

"We will survive."

"Like you said in that note, the killer always watched.... he always knows what we do."

"If the killer comes to the door I will give you a certain sign ok...... you cannot be near him at all. Everywhere you go I will go... I am the only one that can keep you all safe right now. Trust me."

She is acting a bit weird. Yeah she just escaped from the killer but she is acting proper weird. She is acting as if she has never been away..... what she knows must have really scared her because if she was completely fine she would have told me everything by now. 

"Chloe you know you can talk to me about anything right?"

"Not anymore I can't....."

"You will be safe here."

"I know but while I am here you guys might not be safe......"

"We can protect ourselves...."

"If you knew who the killer was you would think otherwise and I cannot tell you because it will be put us all in more danger."

"Just let us help you......."

"There is nothing we can do but wait."

"But wait for what....."

"Our 50/50 chance. In four days they know who the killer is. Then they have to catch him."

Damn I didn't actually think of that issue. 

Basically this all could end very badly and it all depends on how fast the police will work on the evidence. Our lives are practicaly in their hands. 


Well. My life has pretty much turned into real life horror movie. I know there is someone that is coming to kill me but I don't know when so not only has my life become a horror movie it has also become a cliche! So I know the killer is not Chloe, or Andrew or my mom. So everyone else in the city is my enemy in a logical way.....

As people say... Life's a bitch.

I never thought that anyone would try to kill me but my death ambition is to die eating the worlds biggest cheese burger. Don't judge me I have a very weird bucket list.


"Yes Andrew."

"Are you ok? Chloe said you were acting weird."

"I am not acting weird I am trying to help her! Why won't she let me help her."

"Maybe you can't help her."


"This is more than a teenage girl problem. No offence."

"Of course I know that but she will drive herself crazy if she carries on like this."

"Like everyone told you when you first started all of this."

"How do you know that?"

"Your mom told me........"

"She really needs to keep her mouth shut!"

"WOAH! Calm down Poppy. Is there something your not telling us?"

"No! Can you please just get off my back!"

Why do I keep getting so angry? Of course I have nothing to hide.... I am not the killer.. the day Beth was killed I was at Chloe's house all day and night.

"How can you accuse me of murder Andrew?!"

"I never did..... what are you hiding?"

"If I am hiding something, I don't know what the hell it is?"

"Look! Just stop taking it out on the rest of us..... You have been acting weird since Chloe got back. She has noticed too..... did you do it?"


"That is all I need to hear. Get some sleep...."

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