Chapter eleven

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Andrews's POV

I would never accuse Poppy of murder. Yes I do think that she knows something about it... either that or she knows why it happened or who the killer is. 

"Chloe... why did you think Poppy was acting weird earlier....."

"She cried as if she was sad I was back. She was not crying from happiness. It is as if she didn't want me to be there but the weird thing is it was her that told me to meet her there... unless she thought I would never make it to the park in time."

"What do we do?"

"I don't know.... she was with me the whole time the day Beth was killed so she did not kill her but there is something else she is hiding."

"Leave it to me."

"Andrew are you sure about that...."

"Yes. I am sure."

I knew for a fact that Poppy would not be asleep..... for the past two days while she is at home she just sits in the corner of her bedroom. 

I walked into her bedroom and it was like something from the exorcist.... she was just sat in the corner facing the wall. I reached out to touch her shoulder and when she turned around I expected her eyes to black and empty. Luckily it was just her normal face but there was something evil in her stare. 

"Poppy are you ok?"

"Yes! Why wouldn't I be?"

"What do you remember from when you were eight? Around the time when that little girl was killed?"

"All I remember is that my mom investigated it and then she got hurt but this time we will catch the killer."

"Yeah we will........"

"You don't seem so sure. I can sense your doubts."

"Ok Poppy now you are just acting weird."

"Everyone is against me! Why are you all against me!!!!!" When she screamed I saw something that scared me. Her eyes just went completely black for a split second and the veins in her forhead popped right out. It lasted about three seconds and then her face went back to normal.....

"Andrew what is wrong? You look so scared."

"Nothing is wrong."

"OK now let me sleep."

I just walked out of the room and ran down the stairs and Chloe and Poppy's mom could see the fear on my face.

"Andrew what's wrong?"


"Call me Mary."

"Mary, Chloe there is something seriously wrong with Poppy."

"What do you mean?"

"She screamed at me a minute ago and her eyes went black and I could see her veins."

"That is crazy...."

"Do I look like I am joking!"

They could see it on my face... I was telling the truth.

"Is she still like that!"

"No it only lasted three seconds. She is sleeping now."

"What is going on with my daughter?"

"I don't know but I am going to find out."


For hours during the night I just sat in Mary's study reading books on medical stuff and diseases.... nothing matched what I had seen in Poppy hours before. I even looked again on the internet...... nothing matched. I then decided to be alot more specific..... I went onto google and typed in black eyes and visible veins.... what came up scared the absolute hell out of me. I clicked on the first link..... it said......

Black eyes and perfectly visible veins can closely be associate with possesion by the devil. It is not known how possesion byt the devil occurs but the victim can be in denial about things they have done or they are easily angered resulting in the devil coming through and showing things like veins and the victims eyes going black momentarily. The victim has the power to harm and even kill others, they are very dangerous and the only way to get the devil out of them is to find a priest that will do an exorcism. However in most countries a priest needs special permission to perform an exorcism...........

I pressed print on the page and shut down the computer. I didn't want to read anymore of the information. I printed it out so I could show Mary and Chloe what I have found. The whole city is in danger if Poppy is.... posessed. It is very unlikely and I need more proof but it is the closest I could get to what evil I had seen in Poppy a few hours ago.


I didn't bother going to sleep for the rest of the night. I was scared that I would find Poppy in my room...... When it came to come to the morning I did sleep for ten hours.


I woke with a shock..

"Oh hi Chloe."

"Did you find anything out last night?"

"Oh yeah read this. I know it sounds crazy but that is the only thing that matches what I saw."

"I believe you Andrew but we can't prove it yet."

"We make her angry tonight and film then you will see what I mean."

"Ok..... the police have the results... they will be over later."

"Good but I don't think they will give us the results we are looking for."

"I watched Poppy last night and she was just stood in the corner of the room staring at the wall and when she saw me she tried to attack me. Her eyes we black and her teeth we razor sharp. It was like something from a nightmare."

I just hugged her because between me and you I am scared to.

"It's ok we will find a way to help her."

"What if she did it Andrew?"

"Then we know what we will have to do. We will do the right thing ok."

"I know I would have to do the right thing but imagine how hard it will be for me to hand my daughter over to the police. I heard it all... you think she is possessed and I think it to, I read up on it just now. We will stick to the plan but I will not believe that my daughter is a killer until I see some proof."

We turn round to see Mary stood in the doorway.

"Mary we understand that but we are not calling Poppy a murderer. If she isn't a killer then she must know something about it."

"That is a high possibility. Where is she now?"

"In her room... she won't come out Mary."

"Good...... I annoy her most so get the camera ready."

She walked up the stairs and within seconds we heard her shouting at Poppy.

"Get your lazy butt out of bed."


I grabbed the camera and ran upstairs. When I ran into the room Mary was cowering in a corner while Poppy stood over her. She turned to us with black eyes..... like holes. Her teeth we razor sharp as if she could bite my whole arm off...... She grabbed the camera and smashed into a millio pieces by throwing it at the wall. I grabbed Mary and pulled her out of the room...... Chloe came out after us. Just as Poppy ran at us I slammed the door shut and locked it.

 I was running down the stairs and just as I got to the bottom I heard a crash and a blood curdling scream.........

To be continued

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