Chapter six

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"Poppy are you sure you want to go back to that hut?"

"Yes I just want to find Chloe alive. And find out who the killer is.... I am just so worried you know."

"Yeah we all are."

Just as she uttered those very words we pulled up outside the hut.....

"Where is Mark?"

"He can't make it. His mom is in hospital."

"Oh god I am so sorry."

"It's fine. He said if we get in any trouble we have to call him straight away."

"Ok. Well we better go in....."

When I walked back into that hut I was shaking in fear of what we would find in there.

As usual the main part was completely empty and so we made our way down to the cellar and after we got to the bottom of the stairs the door closed behind us. I was practically crying and Pamela was trying to calm me down.

"It was probably just the wind."

But as she grabbed the door to open it.. it was locked.

"Pamela what the hell are we going to do!"

"Do not worry I will think of something. All we need to do is call Mark."


An hour later we were still stood in the basement and I was starting to panic even more than I already was.

"Pamela has Mark answered yet"

"No but while we are stuck in here we might find some evidence or something. If not we should at least find another way out of here."

I guess she does have a point.

We walked around just opening doors and searching every corner for about three hours before we came to the last door. I just pushed open the door and walked in and there was nothing in there apart from a piece of A4 paper stuck to the wall.. a message was written on it and what I read shocked me and nearly made me cry with happiness.

The message said......

Poppy.... I knew for a fact that you would go back to hut and I just want you to know that I am still alive but I am hiding from the killer. I can't tell you where I am and I have something that might help you. I will keep an eye on you but I can't come back till the time is right. I now know which Andrew in the killer but the point is you need to go and see Andrew Barnes and try to get as much evidence from his as possible before the killer finds you. He is always watching. That is how he found where I am....

Good luck and stay safe

Chloe xx

"Pamela! She is still alive!"

"I can see that. I also found a way out."

I looked up and I saw a door on the ceiling. I thought to myself 'well that must be how Chloe got out then'.

I reached up and pushed open the door to allow the ladder to come down and as soon as it was we both climbed out and started to run down the track forgetting that we left Pamela's car at the hut. We just kept running and running until a vaguely familiar black Mercedes was driving towards us.

"Pamela it's Mark! He came looking for us!"

"I can see that."

Without a single hesitant move I ran down the track and got into the car without even looking back. Soon after Pamela got Into the front seat.

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