Chapter 2

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I escape his arms and dash out of his room, down the stair and too the living room.

I hear Valerio's heavy steps behind me, but we both know I run faster that him. We're laughing, threatening and teasing each other as we run.

We probably look crazy.

Like I planned, Ale Drago, Valerio's papa, is sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace. He must have heard us, because his paperwork is put aside neatly and he is facing me when I burst through the double oak doors.

"Ale papa! Help me!" I squeal and jump beside him. He laughs and wrap his arm around my shoulder. "I'll always protect you, stellina." he says and it grows my smile even wider.

Valerio comes storming inn looking like an ox, but he straightens up and collects himself when he sees who sits beside me. "Papi" he states and eyes something very interesting in the air.

Ale only chuckles.

Ale is still quite handsome even though he's in his early fifties, he doesn't look a day older than 38. Beside Ale's white beard and mustache, Valerio look just like his papa.

It's sad that Ale has a bad back and paralyzed left arm. Good that hes right handed!

"There's leftovers from dinner in the kitchen. Both of you must be hungry. Valerio denies eating dinner without you when you're coming over" He roars a laughter at the last part and I join him.

Valerio just ignore his papa and begins walking too the kitchen. Hes never been embarrassed of that habit of his.

When I caught up too him he immediately takes my hand and intertwines our fingers. We walk in silence and the closer we get too the kitchen, the more heavenly smell of food I smell.

"Is it" *sniff* *sniff* "Parmigiana?" I guess and swallow the water in my mouth. I know I'm right, because I'm never wrong. I have my straight A's to prove it.

Valerio laughs and we step into the kitchen where, lo and behold, Aubergine Parmigiana lay on the kitchen counter.

"Correct" Valerio says and leads me too it. I let go of his hand and brings two glasses and cutlery while he brings plates.

He gives me a plate and I take two big scoops of it and Valerio takes a small scoop. I glare at him so he chuckles and take another small scoop which equals one big scoop.

We sit down beside each other by the island and he pours water in our glasses. Taking up my fork I take some from his plate while he takes from mine. We moan of the heavenly taste and chew happily.

Yeah, we eat from each others plate, because it's more delicious that way. Not that it's not delicious, but there's something about stealing food.

Halfway through Ale and his wife, Valerios mama, Kajetan Drago walks in too the kitchen. They see how we're eating and burst into laughter. They always do when they see us eat like this.

We don't eat like this by the diner table, but by an improper place like the island- we do.

"How is it, cara?", Kajetan asks while wiping away a happy tear. I smile and tell her how she's an master chef and the earths greatest gift. Ale agrees by kissing her on the cheek and she blushes.

Such a simple gesture, but it's full of love.

Valerio rolls his eyes at them and take another bite from "my" plate.

They sit down opposite us and we begin small talking. I tell them about my latest A in a pop quiz and Valerio brags about his new car.

"My corvette is the greatest corvette of all the corvette's. It has two door, but it's great" Valerio says while imitating Donald Trump. "It's going to be, only, Z06 2016 first. Z06 2016 first".

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