Chapter 6

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After that, Valerio collects me in his arms and rest  his back to the arm rester of the couch. My back meeting his front, cuddling into him. We spent three hours like that. Him talking while playing with my fingers or hair, and me asking questions. Several times he would show sign of hesitation, but answered reluctantly. 

So far this is what I know: Valerio is the greatest Boss in his bloodline. Which also involves with his natural talent for killing and getting what he wants. Hes a master in all kinds of martial art and all kinds of guns and transportation. Hes only twenty-one, but commands and beats up elder men without a second though.

"But if you knew from birth that you're in a mob famiglia, what made you want to join?" I ask. Books and movies has these mean and terrible parents who raises their kids like monsters, but I can't imagine Ale or Kajetan like that. But if I use that logic, Valerio wouldn't be a mafia King either.

What?! Come on. The biggest and most powerful mafia famiglia in all generation through history and Valerio is the ruler of that. Not only that, but hes the most profiting boss? He deserves to be called Mafia King. Even though it sounds cool, it doesn't mean it's good!

Valerio doesn't respond so I turn my head to look at him. His lips are thin and brows furrowed. I reach out my hand and put my thumb between his brows. Massaging the strain away. He sighs and shake his head no.

"I...I can't tell you"

"Why? Did you get forced? I won't hate Ale or Kajetan if you were" But I promise nothing...

" Aria. It's something else, but I can't tell it. To no one"

Worry falls over me and I'm afraid something horrible happened too my best friend. Something so horrible he can't even tell it, and i didn't even notice it. Has he ever acted weirdly before? 

No. Which is another proof how talented a mafia king he is. Is being a mafia king a talent? Oh-well.

We fall into a comfortable silence. Valerio keeps playing with my fingers while I watch and I find it entertaining. A mob boss are playing with my fingers. I study his fingers closer and then I feel sick to my stomach. Flashes of the shooting and the dead bodies by Valerio comes in my mind, and I can't help but think how many lives has these hands taken? How many tears had shed because of these hands and the man it belongs too? How many enemies and grudges does this man have, waiting and planning for revenge?

"I was so scared that you would leave me" Valeri say and pull me out of my mind tracks. The guilty voice of Valerio makes me forget completely my previous thoughts.

"I was so scared you would leave me..." he whispers now, and its so low I would have missed it if Valerio wasn't in my main focus now. It sounded like he wanted to say more, but decided against it the last second. He lets go of my hands and wrap them around my shoulder, squeezing me tight. I flinch since theres bruises there from being pushed against lockers or tripped too the floor. He lets me go and watch me with wide eyes. I shrug and give him a knowing smile he doesn't return. He frowns and moves his arms lower, right above my elbows, and hug me there. I rest my head on his chest.

"I'm not going anywhere" I whisper back and move to kiss his cheek, but hes holding me so tight it ended on his jaw. Not that I complain. It's a godly jaw that deserves worshipping kisses. 

"Non posso-" Valerio starts, but the sound of knocking on the dark oak double doors stops him. I turn my head towards the door and back too see Valerio still staring forward. The knocking sound comes again.

"Boss?" a mans voice comes from behind the door.

Sighing, Valerio places me on the seat beside him on the love seat and send me an apologetic smile. He then moves and sits opposite me in the other love seat. I can't help but frown. Do we have to we separate every time one of his....boys (his words not mine) comes? Will or can I ever come back too this house, and if I can, can I ever see it as before? My escape shelter. A place where I can relax and feel protected? 

"Come in" Valerio says. His voice is back too being cold and distant. Authority and a bored tone. I miss my Valerio already, but the boss mode is badass. 

The double door opens and in comes a dark haired man. Hes maybe the same age as Valerio, but lacks in height compared too Valerio. Still, hes tall, taller than me, and a body spent hours training. Many of his features are similar too Valerios, but Valerio has blue/gray eyes, but this guy has light brown. 

"Sorry to interrupt" The guys says and bows before stepping inside. He eyes me and I recognize surprise, maybe awe while he studies me. His eyes roams my body and I try to shrink away. 

"Careful" Valerio growls dangerously and possessively. His eyes promises something I don't want to think about.

Tre stops studying me and focuses on Valerio again. The awe and surprise is gone from his face, and the stone faced one is plastered on. He apologizes, but Valerio doesn't answer, only glares daggers at him. Understanding he better get out of here fast as possible, he proceeds to what he came for. He places a thin stack of paper on the table between me and Valerio. "REPORT ON DARK KNIGHT" is written on the cover. 

"The report on the street gang Dark knight is done. Secondo are requesting you, and you'r, present in his office." 

"Bene (Good). You're dismissed" Valerio says and picks up the report. Tre bows and turn to walk out, but stops when Valerio speaks up again. "I'll forgive you this time Tre, because of our friendship. Be careful next time". Tre nod and continues to the door. He then turn his front to us, revealing his slightly paler skin now, and backs out. Closing the door with him. 

Valerio sighs and throws the report on his desk with the rest of his paperwork and rises. He run his hand through his hair while avoiding my stare. 

"Aria.." he sighs and look me in my eyes, "You have to know that from now on-" 

"You have a boss mode. I get it. You can't rule the world by tickling people or throwing pillows. It's going to take me a while to get use too you're boss mode, but I take comfort by knowing only I know about Valerio mode. Makes me feel special." I grin and take some slow steps towards him. He hug me around my shoulders and I hug him back.

"But Valerio, which one is the real you?" I whisper and he stiffens. I know it's an unfair question, but I can't help it. Which is the real him? The bloodthirsty mafia boss, or my kind and funny best friend? 

"We need to go. Papi and mama are waiting for us" Valerio says and pulls away. Hes avoiding the question and that worries me. Please don't tell me I'm best friend with a man who takes pleasure in killing. My Valerio isn't like that.

We walk beside each other too another dark oak double door. Through the walk, I kept glancing at out hands, but couldn't gain the courage enough to take his hand in mine.

Again, I have never been inside other rooms than Valerio and his parents bedroom, living room, kitchen and dining room. I can't help shifting my weight from one foot to another while Valerio knock the door, wait a second and just walk right in. Doesn't even wait for a green light.

The moment Valerio open the doors and I look inside, I freeze. In an identical office room like Valerio's, only the floor carpet is dark red, are ten inside. Seven, both men and women, are unfamiliar. Those three left are Ale, Kajetan and Tre. Ale and Kajetan are sitting in one of the love seat. The other left empty for us.

"Boss. Aria. We have things to discuss" 

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