Chapter 30

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It was hard to stay focused on the exam, especially when Jason was right beside me. I would remember back on what happened before those doors just some hours ago. When he held my hands and said those sweet words.

As promised, Valerio picked me up afterwards. When he asked about my flustered complexion I would blame the nerves. I also didn't tell him about the plans Jason and I planned.

"He did what?!" Kai gasp and grasp his chest, around his heart area.

I hushed him by placing a finger over his lips. From Angela's expression, I guess she is just as shocked.

"He asked me out, okay? We're going to the movies after school this Thursday" I repeat myself and back off.

"A week from now" Angela mutters to herself.

Kai, Angela and I are having an emergency girls meeting in my room; Cheetos and chocolate on my bed, and us. By the way, Kai is considered a girl now. They just needed to take one look at me to know that I needed some girl time. This is the first time I have such a meeting.

Let's just say Valerio isn't the best discussion partner.

"So, it's a date?" Kai ask with wonder in his eyes and a big smile. I shake my head furiously so my glasses falls. I quickly replace them on my face.

"No, it's not a date. He wants nothing more then to be friends. He said so" I argue. None of them seems to believe me. I sigh and take a Cheetos to distract my mouth from ranting out.

"Okay, but what about you? Do you want to stay friends with this suppose hottie?" Kai question me. They both studies my face closely, catching any lie or subconscious feelings.

"I-I don't know. So much has happened that I never considered my love life. I've never been in love before, and no one likes a nerd like me" I eat some chocolate to comfort myself while staring at the ceiling. Kai and Angela also went silent.

"You know what. Just go and enjoy yourself" Kai says, disrupting the silence.

"I agree. You've deserve a normal student life with friends, and maybe" Angela shrugs her shoulders, "Love as well".

I smile in appreciation and hug each other them. "Thank you, but do you think I should tell Valerio? I'm still skeptic about his brotherly protectiveness. I think he'll overreact".

I'm worried about his health. I know that, since I moved in, he's been working himself over the edge. I rarely see him outside his office, and he eat dinner there as well. If he even eats at all. I noticed in our trip in Thailand, that he's gotten much thinner and pale. He regained his usual complexion throughout the trip, but I still worry.

Angela and Kai exchanges glances between themselves, a conversation flying between them. Angela is the one to speak up first.

" I agree with you. The boss does have enough on his plate, and I think Jason would flip the table" She concludes and nod in agreement with herself.

Kai nods as well and agrees with her. The conflicting looks on their faces makes me insecure, but it was when I think back on Valerio's unhealthy complexion that I knew I have no other choices.

I offered to help Kajetan with the dinner, but I was denied by the door. "We're celebrating you passing the exam, so you can just relax and read a book or something" She said when I tried to help, and ushered me out.

I don't even know if I passed yet!

"Direct orders from the boss, you know" Kajetan shouts after me, and even adds a little wink, before closing the kitchen door after her.

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